Enceintes WiFilles
Wi-Filles est un programme de sensibilisation des jeunes filles aux métiers et aux compétences du numérique. Les jeunes volontaires suivent des ateliers pendant plusieurs mois, les mercredis après-midi, et pendant les vacances scolaires, en partenariat avec de nombreux·euses professionnel·le·s du numérique. Plus d'infos: Avec la promo 2021 des Wi-Filles de la Loire (article sur le blog de Zoomacom)Un des deux groupes, accompagné au FabLab par Zoomacom en 2021, a choisi de créer une enceinte mp3 (fichiers sur carte SD, pilotable en wifi depuis un smartphone).
Schéma du montage
Valeurs des composants :
- Résistance : 220Ω
- Condensateur : 1000µF
- Haut parleur : 4Ω 3W
Nom | Description | Quantité | Prix unitaire | Prix |
Lolin NodeMCU v3 | Microcontrolleur | 1 | 7€ | 7€ |
DFPlayer Mini | Lecteur MP3 | 1 | 1€ | 1€ |
Enceinte 4Ω 3W | Sortie sonore | 1 | 2€ | 2€ |
Ampli Audio | Amplification du signal sonore | 1 | 0.5€ | 0.5€ |
Connecteur micro USB | Pour l'alimentation | 1 | 0.2€ | 0.2€ |
Chargeur de batterie Li-Ion | Charge de la batterie du système | 1 | 0.2€ | 0.2€ |
Batterie Li-Ion 3.7V 18650 | Alimentation nomade | 1 | 2.5€ | 2.5€ |
LED RGB | Voyant lumineux | 1 | 0.03€ | 0.03€ |
Interrupeur | Marche/Arret du système | 1 | 0.75€ | 0.75€ |
Convertisseur de tension 3.3V | Alimentation des cartes électroniques | 1 | 1€ | 1€ |
Support batterie 18650 | Support batterie | 1 | 0.5€ | 0.5€ |
Condensateur 1000µF | Filtrage de l'alimentation | 1 | 0.07€ | 0.07€ |
Résistance 220Ω | Protection de la LED | 1 | 0.02€ | 0.02€ |
Total | 15.77€ |
Programme Arduino
Paramètrage de la carte :
- Ajouter la bibliothèque des cartes ESP8266 board dans Arduino IDE (http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json)- Installer le paquet "esp8266 by ESP8266 Community" via le gestionnaire de cartes
- Utiliser la carte nommée "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)" pendant l'envoi du code
Bibliothèque(s) à installer :
- DFPlayerMini_Fast : Disponible dans le gestionnaire de bibliothèques Arduino ou ICI
Code :
#include <DFPlayerMini_Fast.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define SSID "EnceinteWiFille1" #define PASSWD "wifilles" DFPlayerMini_Fast mp3Player; SoftwareSerial softSerial(D2,D3); WiFiServer server(80); #define Pin_R D7 #define Pin_G D6 #define Pin_B D5 int vol, song, R, G, B; void setup() { // Init serial lines Serial.begin(115200); softSerial.begin(9600); delay(10); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); WiFi.softAP(SSID, PASSWD); // Print IP address Serial.print("IP address : "); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); // Start web server server.begin(); // Start mp3 player mp3Player.begin(softSerial); vol = mp3Player.currentVolume(); song = mp3Player.currentSdTrack(); R = 1023; G = 0; B = 1023; analogWrite(Pin_R, R); analogWrite(Pin_G, G); analogWrite(Pin_B, B); } void loop() { // Init connection with client WiFiClient client = server.available(); if(!client) { return; } while(!client.available()) { delay(1); } // Read client request String req = client.readStringUntil('\r'); // Flush output client.flush(); String text = ""; // Return text if(req.indexOf("/volume") != -1) { uint8_t idx = req.indexOf("?vol="); vol = req.substring(idx+5).toInt(); vol = map(vol, 0, 100, 0, 30); mp3Player.volume(vol); } else if(req.indexOf("/play") != -1) { mp3Player.resume(); } else if(req.indexOf("/pause") != -1) { mp3Player.pause(); } else if(req.indexOf("/next") != -1) { mp3Player.playNext(); } else if(req.indexOf("/previous") != -1) { mp3Player.playPrevious(); } else if(req.indexOf("/change") != -1) { uint8_t idx = req.indexOf("?song="); song = req.substring(idx+6).toInt(); mp3Player.play(song); } else if(req.indexOf("/led") != -1) { uint8_t idx = req.indexOf("?R="); uint8_t idxFin = req.indexOf("&G="); R = req.substring(idx+3, idxFin).toInt(); idx = idxFin; idxFin = req.indexOf("&B="); G = req.substring(idx+3, idxFin).toInt(); idx = idxFin; B = req.substring(idx+3).toInt(); R = map(R, 100, 0, 0, 1023); G = map(G, 100, 0, 0, 1023); B = map(B, 100, 0, 0, 1023); analogWrite(Pin_R, R); analogWrite(Pin_G, G); analogWrite(Pin_B, B); } // Flush output client.flush(); // Generate HTML output String htmlPage = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; htmlPage += "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; htmlPage += "\r\n"; htmlPage += "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"; htmlPage += "<html>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <head>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <meta charset=\"utf-8\" />\r\n"; htmlPage += " <title>Enceinte Wi-Fille</title>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <style type=\"text/css\">\r\n"; htmlPage += " body {\r\n"; htmlPage += " background-color: #c862b7;\r\n"; htmlPage += " }\r\n"; htmlPage += " svg {\r\n"; htmlPage += " border-radius: 20px;\r\n"; htmlPage += " }\r\n"; htmlPage += " </style>\r\n"; htmlPage += " </head>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <body>\r\n"; htmlPage += "<svg width=\"320\" height=\"118\" version=\"1.1\" viewBox=\"0 0 320 118\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:cc=\"http://creativecommons.org/ns#\" xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\" xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"> <metadata> <rdf:RDF> <cc:Work rdf:about=\"\"> <dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=\"http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/StillImage\"/> <dc:title/> </cc:Work> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <path d=\"m0 59v-59h320v118h-320zm169.72 53.423c9.4306-1.948 19.247-6.7898 25.909-12.78l5.0577-4.5473 45.406-0.2979c43.887-0.28793 45.557-0.36897 49.906-2.4221 6.0327-2.8476 10.799-7.7582 13.748-14.164 2.2926-4.9806 2.4145-6.1452 2.0934-20-0.32307-13.94-0.48502-14.957-3.09-19.388-1.512-2.572-4.4118-6.047-6.444-7.7221-7.2739-5.9957-8.2444-6.0995-57.235-6.1216l-44.572-0.020094-4.4084-4.4393c-2.4246-2.4416-7.421-6.0224-11.103-7.9572-20.944-11.006-46.616-7.8537-64.671 7.9405l-5.1398 4.4962h-44.411c-49.825 0-50.117 0.035437-58.072 7.0374-2.6181 2.3045-5.3152 5.9773-6.6245 9.0207-2.0157 4.6857-2.1805 6.4625-1.8894 20.371 0.31324 14.963 0.3737 15.327 3.3481 20.154 3.6638 5.9466 10.635 10.857 17.504 12.33 3.2034 0.68701 20.969 1.0864 48.329 1.0864h43.264l2.9371 3.1294c6.3215 6.7354 18.703 13.092 28.778 14.775 8.0268 1.3408 13.11 1.2263 21.38-0.48178zm-90.721-23.349c0-0.53382 1.0838-2.14 2.4085-3.5694 5.0877-5.4898 6.0233-9.0351 6.5985-25.004 0.46364-12.873 0.85177-15.589 2.7376-19.153 2.6923-5.0887 8.0945-9.6823 13.178-11.205 5.1669-1.548 181.84-1.6134 187.4-0.06931 4.8812 1.3554 11.471 7.2841 13.814 12.428 2.4581 5.3972 2.667 27.646 0.31261 33.282-1.97 4.7161-5.8422 8.8049-10.947 11.559l-4 2.1584-105.75 0.2721c-67.883 0.17467-105.75-0.075439-105.75-0.69848zm31-18.574v-5.5h19l2e-3 -7.5h-18.503l-0.615-8.5h21.115v-8.0521l-30.499 0.55209-0.27361 17.25-0.27362 17.25h10.047zm36-7v-12.5h-9v25h9zm133.92 11.524c6.9012-1.9793 10.487-8.2212 8.0717-14.052-1.2208-2.9472-6.5578-6.1743-12.488-7.5513-4.3308-1.0056-5.7963-2.3588-4.3899-4.0535 1.6689-2.0109 4.6604-1.6647 5.9178 0.68489 0.90994 1.7002 1.9022 2.0004 5.7852 1.75 4.0505-0.26118 4.6429-0.57377 4.3627-2.3022-0.58424-3.6046-4.627-6.6838-9.4957-7.2326-10.142-1.1432-16.68 2.4755-16.68 9.2326 0 4.7672 3.1591 7.8229 10.205 9.8712 6.5521 1.9048 8.6826 3.8543 6.753 6.1793-1.8258 2.2-6.2483 1.4274-7.4452-1.3006-0.81769-1.8638-1.776-2.25-5.5833-2.25-2.5279 0-4.8595 0.26326-5.1812 0.58501-0.92461 0.92461 1.1901 6.0493 3.2747 7.9358 3.342 3.0245 11.079 4.1708 16.894 2.503zm-95.106-3.7739-0.31037-3.75-15.5-0.58413v-24.916h-10v33h26.121zm33.19-0.25v-4h-14.938l-0.56156-24.5h-10l-0.54954 32.5h26.05zm35 0.5v-3.5h-17v-7h15v-6h-7.5c-7.3333 0-7.5-0.05556-7.5-2.5 0-2.4583 0.13333-2.5 8-2.5h8v-8.058l-26.5 0.55805-0.54954 32.5h28.05zm-108.58-25.107c2.2726-0.87207 1.9709-5.1144-0.45598-6.4132-4.0395-2.1619-8.9458 1.3138-6.9964 4.9563 1.096 2.0479 4.2868 2.6717 7.4524 1.4569zm-120.34 25.857c-1.7808-6.6649-7.0751-29.349-7.0751-30.314 0-0.51496 2.1884-0.93629 4.8631-0.93629h4.8631l2.8704 20.5 3.7258-20.596 9.1775 0.59641 3.9499 20 2.8238-20.5h4.8631c2.6747 0 4.8631 0.42454 4.8631 0.94342 0 0.51888-1.5676 7.3814-3.4837 15.25-1.916 7.8686-3.7246 15.319-4.0191 16.557-0.45511 1.9126-1.1972 2.25-4.949 2.25-4.9099 0-4.7104 0.29064-6.5188-9.5-2.0481-11.088-2.2655-11.542-3.0813-6.4359-0.40106 2.5103-1.2604 7.1228-1.9096 10.25l-1.1804 5.6859h-4.3906c-4.2287 0-4.4275-0.13821-5.3925-3.75zm39.925-8.75v-12.5h9v25h-9zm0.65499-17.329c-2.0662-2.2831-2.0858-3.5976-0.08356-5.5998 2.155-2.155 5.7566-1.9714 7.9054 0.40295 1.6732 1.8489 1.6816 2.1349 0.13194 4.5-1.964 2.9975-5.5847 3.3147-7.9538 0.69688z\" fill=\"#fcfcfc\"/> <path d=\"m100.23 58.75 0.27361-17.25 30.5-0.55209v8.0521h-21.115l0.615 8.5h18.503l-1e-3 3.75-0.0019 3.75h-19v11h-10.047zm36.774 4.75v-12.5h9v25h-9zm131.21 11.516c-4.0567-0.96115-6.7743-3.3296-8.0634-7.0276-1.2556-3.6018-0.79233-3.9879 4.7839-3.9879 3.8073 0 4.7656 0.3862 5.5833 2.25 1.1968 2.728 5.6194 3.5005 7.4452 1.3006 1.9296-2.3251-0.20086-4.2746-6.753-6.1793-7.046-2.0483-10.205-5.104-10.205-9.8712 0-6.7571 6.5377-10.376 16.68-9.2326 4.8687 0.54877 8.9114 3.628 9.4957 7.2326 0.28016 1.7284-0.3122 2.041-4.3627 2.3022-3.883 0.25038-4.8752-0.04978-5.7852-1.75-1.2575-2.3496-4.2489-2.6958-5.9178-0.68489-1.4064 1.6947 0.0591 3.0479 4.3899 4.0535 9.5575 2.2191 14.403 7.1927 13.042 13.388-1.553 7.0707-10.273 10.591-20.333 8.2072zm-109.21-16.516v-16.5h10v24.916l15.5 0.58413 0.31037 3.75 0.31036 3.75h-26.121zm33.225 0.25 0.27477-16.25h10l0.56156 24.5h14.938v8h-26.05zm33 0 0.27477-16.25 26.5-0.55805v8.058h-8c-7.8667 0-8 0.04167-8 2.5 0 2.4444 0.16667 2.5 7.5 2.5h7.5v6h-15v7h17v7h-28.05zm-88.259-13.814c-1.9494-3.6425 2.957-7.1182 6.9964-4.9563 2.4269 1.2989 2.7286 5.5412 0.45598 6.4132-3.1656 1.2148-6.3564 0.59098-7.4524-1.4569z\" fill=\"#9fb747\"/> <path d=\"m151 113.34c-10.6-1.6424-22.168-6.9883-29.62-13.689l-5.0487-4.5392-91.831-0.61211-5.7079-2.803c-5.9919-2.9424-10.763-7.9897-13.306-14.077-1.081-2.5872-1.4832-7.4472-1.4761-17.838 0.0088155-12.888 0.23954-14.776 2.3639-19.338 1.2948-2.7806 4.2679-6.6937 6.6068-8.6957 7.8301-6.7023 8.2288-6.7487 58.024-6.7487h44.649l4.8914-4.4908c20.621-18.932 54.349-19.239 74.595-0.67957l5.6402 5.1703h44.432c48.845 0 49.819 0.10413 57.095 6.1015 2.0322 1.6751 4.932 5.1501 6.444 7.7221 2.5938 4.4124 2.7685 5.4868 3.095 19.031 0.40389 16.757-0.63904 20.783-7.2518 27.992-8.0707 8.7986-6.8498 8.6117-58.51 8.9604l-45.416 0.30658-4.9392 4.4408c-11.267 10.13-30.356 16.013-44.729 13.786zm139.5-24.444c5.5089-1.3872 12.21-7.0453 14.615-12.34 2.6571-5.8498 2.6705-28.237 0.0205-34.056-2.3427-5.1438-8.9323-11.072-13.814-12.428-5.3055-1.4733-182.34-1.4733-187.64 0-4.688 1.3018-10.843 6.7061-13.326 11.701-1.4586 2.9338-1.9675 6.9175-2.392 18.727-0.45727 12.721-0.86394 15.618-2.6769 19.067-1.1758 2.2368-2.8702 4.6748-3.7654 5.4178-0.89523 0.74297-2.0689 2.1754-2.6083 3.1831-0.94777 1.7709 2.5061 1.8322 103.11 1.8322 72.617 0 105.42-0.33382 108.48-1.104zm-255.53-18.146c0.62214-2.8875 1.3991-7.1879 1.7265-9.5564 0.78681-5.6912 1.7256-4.3186 3.2875 4.8064 1.7438 10.188 1.6207 10 6.5601 10 3.2493 0 4.4587-0.43544 4.8602-1.75 0.94742-3.1012 7.6002-31.418 7.6002-32.35 0-0.49526-2.25-0.90046-5-0.90046-4.0791 0-5.0078 0.32232-5.0424 1.75-0.02331 0.9625-0.60572 5.5566-1.2942 10.209l-1.2519 8.459-3.7463-20.418h-9.3304l-3.7463 20.418-1.2519-8.459c-0.68853-4.6525-1.2709-9.2465-1.2942-10.209-0.03457-1.4277-0.96328-1.75-5.0424-1.75-2.9032 0-5 0.45139-5 1.0764 0 1.0194 6.6907 30.02 7.5381 32.674 0.24042 0.75285 2.1684 1.25 4.8477 1.25h4.4485zm38.035-7.25v-12.5h-9v25h9zm-0.56486-17.428c3.3884-3.7442-0.44315-8.0394-5.9407-6.6596-5.0433 1.2658-3.3334 8.588 2.0055 8.588 1.2045 0 2.9753-0.86775 3.9351-1.9283z\" fill=\"#88307a\"/> </svg>"; htmlPage += " <h1>Choix de musique</h1>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form method=\"get\" action=\"change\">\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"number\" min=\"1\" max=\"256\" value=\"" + String(song) + "\" name=\"song\"/>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Jouer\" />\r\n"; htmlPage += " </form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <h1>Reglage du volume</h1>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form method=\"get\" action=\"volume\">\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"number\" min=\"0\" max=\"100\" value=\"" + String(map(vol, 0, 30, 0, 100)) + "\" name=\"vol\"/>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Changer le volume\"/>\r\n"; htmlPage += " </form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <h1>Gestion de la lecture</h1>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <div style=\"display: flex;\">\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form action=\"previous\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Précédent\"/></form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form action=\"play\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Jouer\"/></form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form action=\"pause\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Stopper\"/></form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form action=\"next\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Suivant\"/></form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " </div>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <h1>Couleur LED (Rouge, Vert, Bleu)</h1>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <form method=\"get\" action=\"led\">\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"number\" min=\"0\" max=\"100\" value=\"" + String(map(R, 1023, 0, 0, 100)) + "\" name=\"R\"/>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"number\" min=\"0\" max=\"100\" value=\"" + String(map(G, 1023, 0, 0, 100)) + "\" name=\"G\"/>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"number\" min=\"0\" max=\"100\" value=\"" + String(map(B, 1023, 0, 0, 100)) + "\" name=\"B\"/>\r\n"; htmlPage += " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Changer\" />\r\n"; htmlPage += " </form>\r\n"; htmlPage += " </body>\r\n"; htmlPage += "</html>\r\n"; // Send html output to client client.println(htmlPage); delay(1); }
Connexion à l'enceinte
1. Se connecter au WiFi de l'enceinte
Le nom du WiFi est EnceinteWiFilleX (où X est le numéro de l'enceinte)
Le mot de passe du WiFi est wifilles
(Si il y a un message indiquant qu'il n'y a pas d'accès internet, c'est normal, il faut lui dire de rester connecté)
2. Ouvrir un navigateur web (Firefox, Chrome ou autre)
3. Entrer l'URL et charger la page
Le nom du WiFi est EnceinteWiFilleX (où X est le numéro de l'enceinte)
Le mot de passe du WiFi est wifilles
(Si il y a un message indiquant qu'il n'y a pas d'accès internet, c'est normal, il faut lui dire de rester connecté)
2. Ouvrir un navigateur web (Firefox, Chrome ou autre)
3. Entrer l'URL et charger la page
Ce contenu de Zoomacom est mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d’Utilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
Arduino DIY Musique NodeMCU OpenFactory