Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
AAFManufacturerID? |
N |
AES3PCMDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
AFDAndBarData? |
N |
N |
N |
AIFCSummary? |
N |
ANCPacketCount |
N |
ANCPayloadByteArray |
N |
ANCPayloadSampleCoding |
N |
ANCPayloadSampleCount |
N |
ANCWrappingType |
N |
Abstract |
N |
Abstract |
N |
AccountingReferenceNumber |
N |
ActiveFormatDescriptor |
N |
ActiveLinesperFrame |
N |
ActiveSamplesperLine |
N |
ActiveState |
N |
Ad-ID? |
N |
Address |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
AddressLine |
N |
AddressLine |
N |
AddressNameValueSets? |
N |
AddressSets? |
N |
AdvertisingMaterialReference |
N |
AestheticValue |
N |
AlphaMaximumRef |
N |
AlphaMinimumRef |
N |
AlphaSampleDepth |
N |
AlphaTransparency |
N |
0 = Not Inverted
1 = Inverted |
AlternateName |
N |
AlternateName |
N |
Alternates? |
N |
AnalogDataCodingKind |
N |
AnalogMetadataCarrier |
N |
AnalogMonitoringAndControlCodingKind |
N |
AnalogSystem |
N |
AnalogVideoSystemName |
N |
AnalogVideoSystemName? |
N |
AnamorphicLensCharacteristic |
N |
AnchorOffset |
N |
AncillaryResourceID? |
N |
AngleToNorth |
N |
AngularUnitKind |
N |
Annotation? |
N |
Annotation |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
AnnotationCueWordsSet? |
N |
AnnotationDescription |
N |
AnnotationDescription |
N |
AnnotationKind |
N |
AnnotationKind |
N |
AnnotationParticipantSets? |
N |
AnnotationSets? |
N |
AnnotationSynopsis |
N |
AnnotationSynopsis |
N |
ApplicationEnvironmentID |
N |
ApplicationInformationArray? |
N |
ApplicationName |
N |
ApplicationName |
N |
ApplicationPlatform |
N |
ApplicationPlatform |
N |
ApplicationPlug-InBatch? |
N |
ApplicationPlug-InInstanceID? |
N |
ApplicationProductID? |
N |
ApplicationScheme? |
N |
ApplicationSchemeBatch? |
N |
ApplicationSupplierName |
N |
ApplicationSupplierName |
N |
ApplicationVersionNumber |
N |
ApplicationVersionString |
N |
ApplicationVersionString |
N |
ApproximateImageContainerSize |
N |
ArchiveID |
N |
AssetValue |
N |
AssignedCategoryName |
N |
AssignedCategoryName |
N |
AssignedCategoryValue |
N |
AssignedCategoryValue |
N |
AssociatedMetadataDefinition? |
N |
AstronomicalBodyName |
N |
AstronomicalBodyName |
N |
AudienceAppreciation |
N |
AudienceRating |
N |
AudienceReach |
N |
AudienceShare |
N |
AudioAverageBitrate |
N |
AudioCodingSchemeCode |
N |
AudioCodingSchemeID? |
N |
AudioCodingSchemeName |
N |
AudioCompressionAlgorithm |
N |
AudioDeviceKind |
N |
AudioDeviceParameter |
N |
AudioDeviceParameterSetting |
N |
AudioEnhancementOrModificationDescription |
N |
AudioFirstMix-DownProcess |
N |
AudioFixedBitrateFlag |
N |
AudioMonoChannelCount |
N |
AudioNoiseReductionAlgorithm |
N |
AudioReferenceLevel |
N |
AudioReferenceLevel |
N |
AudioSampleRate |
N |
AudioSampleRate |
N |
AudioStereoChannelCount |
N |
AudioWatermarkKind |
N |
AuthenticationFlag |
N |
AuxiliaryBitsMode |
N |
AvailableRepresentations? |
N |
AverageBytesPerSecond |
N |
Award |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
AwardCategory |
N |
AwardCategory |
N |
AwardName |
N |
AwardName |
N |
AwardParticipantSets? |
N |
AwardSets? |
N |
N |
BackgroundMusicFlag |
N |
BankDetailsSet? |
N |
BeginAnchor |
N |
BeginAnchor |
N |
BextCodingHistory |
N |
BextCodingHistory |
N |
Bitrate |
N |
BitsPerAudioSample |
N |
BitsPerPixel |
N |
BitsPerPixel |
N |
BitsPerSample |
N |
BlackReferenceLevel |
N |
BlockAlign |
N |
BlockContinuityCount |
N |
BlockStartOffset |
N |
BoundingRectangle? |
N |
BrandMainTitle |
N |
BrandMainTitle |
N |
BrandOriginalTitle |
N |
BrandOriginalTitle |
N |
Branding |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
BrandingSets? |
N |
BroadcastChannel |
N |
BroadcastDate |
N |
BroadcastMediumCode |
N |
BroadcastMediumKind |
N |
BroadcastOrganizationName |
N |
BroadcastOrganizationName |
N |
BroadcastRegion |
N |
BroadcastRegion |
N |
BroadcastServiceName |
N |
BroadcastTime |
N |
BroadcasterRightsToCopy |
N |
BufferDelay? |
N |
BuildingName |
N |
BuildingName |
N |
Bypass |
N |
BypassOverride |
N |
ByteOffset |
N |
ByteOrder |
N |
'II' = Little-endian (Intel, II)
'MM' = Big-endian (Motorola, MM) |
CBEStartOffset |
N |
CDCIEssenceDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
CISACLegalEntityID? |
N |
CaptionDescription |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
CaptionDescriptionSets? |
N |
CaptionKind |
N |
CaptionKind |
N |
CaptionTitles |
N |
CaptionsDescriptionParticipantSets? |
N |
CaptionsViaTeletext |
N |
CaptureAspectRatio |
N |
CaptureFilmFrameRate |
N |
CaptureGammaEquation |
N |
CaptureGammaEquation |
N |
CaptureGammaEquation? |
N |
CatalogDataStatus |
N |
CatalogDataStatus |
N |
CatalogPrefixNumber |
N |
CatalogingSystemName |
N |
CentralTelephoneNumber |
N |
ChannelAssignment? |
N |
ChannelCount |
N |
ChannelHandle |
N |
ChannelID |
N |
ChannelIDs |
N |
ChannelStatusMode |
N |
[Value 0]
0 = No Channel Status Data
1 = AES3 Minimum
2 = AES3 Standard
3 = Fixed 24 Bytes in FixedChannelStatusData
4 = Stream of Data in MXF Header Metadata
5 = Stream of Data Multiplexed within MXF Body |
CipherAlgorithm? |
N |
CipherAlgorithmAES128CBC? |
N |
Citizenship |
N |
Citizenship |
N |
CityName |
N |
CityName |
N |
ClassDefinitions? |
N |
Classification |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ClassificationAndMarkingSystem |
N |
ClassificationComment |
N |
ClassificationComment |
N |
ClassificationNameValueSets? |
N |
ClassificationReason |
N |
ClassificationSets? |
N |
ClassifiedBy |
N |
ClassifyingCountryCode |
N |
ClipCreationDateTime |
N |
ClipFramework |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ClipID |
N |
ClipIDArray? |
N |
ClipKind |
N |
ClipNumber |
N |
ClipNumber |
N |
ClipShotSets? |
N |
CloneCount |
N |
ClosedBodyPartition? |
N |
ClosedCaptionSubtitlesFlag |
N |
ClosedCompleteBodyPartition? |
N |
ClosedCompleteHeader |
- |
--> MXF Header Tags |
ClosedGOPIndicator |
N |
ClosedHeader |
- |
--> MXF Header Tags |
CodecDefinition? |
N |
CodecDefinition? |
N |
CodecDefinitions? |
N |
CodecEssenceDescriptor? |
N |
CodecEssenceKinds? |
N |
CodedContentScanningKind |
N |
0 = Unknown
1 = Progressive
2 = Interlaced
3 = Mixed |
CodingLawKind |
N |
CodingLawName |
N |
CodingStyleDefault? |
N |
CollectionName |
N |
CollectionName |
N |
ColorDescriptor |
N |
ColorDescriptor |
N |
ColorFieldCode |
N |
ColorPrimaries |
N |
ColorPrimaries? |
N |
ColorRangeLevels |
N |
ColorSiting |
N |
ColorimetryCode |
N |
ColorimetryCode? |
N |
CommunicationSets? |
N |
Communications |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
CompleteFooter? |
N |
ComponentAttributes? |
N |
ComponentDataDefinition |
N |
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030201.01000000' = SMPTE 12M Timecode Track
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030201.02000000' = SMPTE 12M Timecode Track with active user bits
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030201.03000000' = SMPTE 309M Timecode Track
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030201.10000000' = Descriptive Metadata Track
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030202.01000000' = Picture Essence Track
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030202.02000000' = Sound Essence Track
'060e2b34.0401.0101.01030202.03000000' = Data Essence Track |
ComponentDepth |
N |
ComponentKLVData? |
N |
ComponentMaximumRef |
N |
ComponentMinimumRef |
N |
ComponentUserComments? |
N |
ComponentsInSequence? |
N |
CompositionRendering? |
N |
ComputedKeyData |
N |
ComputedKeyFrames |
N |
ComputedKeySounds |
N |
ComputedKeywords |
N |
ComputedKeywords |
N |
ComputedObjectKind |
N |
ComputedObjectKind |
N |
ComputedStratumKind |
N |
ConstantBPictureFlag |
N |
ConsumerRightsToCopy |
N |
ContactDepartmentName |
N |
ContactDepartmentName |
N |
ContactID? |
N |
ContactKind |
N |
ContactKind |
N |
ContactNameValueSets? |
N |
ContactsList |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ContactsListSet? |
N |
ContainerDefinitions? |
N |
ContainerLastModifyDate |
N |
ContainerVersion |
N |
ContentClassification |
N |
ContentClassification |
N |
ContentCodingSystem |
N |
ContentMaturityDescription |
N |
ContentMaturityGraphic |
N |
ContentMaturityRating |
N |
ContentPackageIndexArray? |
N |
ContentPackageMetadataLink |
N |
ContentStorage? |
N |
ContentStorageSet |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ContentValue |
N |
ContextDescription |
N |
ContiguousDataFlag |
N |
Contract |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ContractClauseDescription |
N |
ContractClauseDescription |
N |
ContractDateTime |
N |
ContractEntity |
N |
ContractInstallmentPercentage |
N |
ContractLineCode |
N |
ContractLineName |
N |
ContractLineName |
N |
ContractParticipantSets? |
N |
ContractSets? |
N |
ContractTermsOfBusiness |
N |
ContractTermsOfBusiness |
N |
ContractType |
N |
ContractType |
N |
ContractTypeCode |
N |
ContractTypeLink |
N |
ContributionStatus |
N |
ContributionStatus |
N |
ControlPointList? |
N |
ControlPointTime |
N |
CopyCount |
N |
CopyrightLicenseCountryCode |
N |
CopyrightLicenseRegionCode |
N |
CopyrightLicenseRegionName |
N |
CopyrightOwnerName |
N |
CopyrightOwnerName |
N |
CopyrightStatus |
N |
CopyrightStatus |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint1 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint1 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint2 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint2 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint3 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint3 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint4 |
N |
CornerLatitudePoint4 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint1 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint1 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint2 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint2 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint3 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint3 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint4 |
N |
CornerLongitudePoint4 |
N |
CountryCodeMethod |
N |
CountryCodeMethod |
N |
CountryName |
N |
CountryName |
N |
CountryName |
N |
CountryName |
N |
CreateDate |
N |
CryptographicContext |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
CryptographicContextID? |
N |
CryptographicContextLink? |
N |
CryptographicContextObject? |
N |
CryptographicFramework |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
CryptographicFrameworkLabel? |
N |
CryptographicKeyID? |
N |
Csiz |
N |
Cue-InWords |
N |
Cue-InWords |
N |
Cue-OutWords |
N |
Cue-OutWords |
N |
CueWords |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
CulturalValue |
N |
CurrencyCode |
N |
CurrencyName |
N |
CurrentNumberInSequence |
N |
CurrentNumberInSequence |
N |
CurrentRepeatNumber |
N |
CutPoint |
N |
DMFramework |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
DMSegment |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
DMSet |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
DMSourceClip |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
DOI? |
N |
DVBParentalRating |
N |
DataDefinition? |
N |
DataDefinitions? |
N |
DataDeviceKind |
N |
DataDeviceParameterName |
N |
DataDeviceParameterSetting |
N |
DataEnhancementOrModificationDescription |
N |
DataEssenceCoding |
N |
DataEssenceCodingID? |
N |
DateTimeDropFrameFlag |
N |
DateTimeEmbeddedFlag |
N |
DateTimeKind? |
N |
DateTimeRate |
N |
DeclassificationDate |
N |
DefaultDataValue? |
N |
DefaultFadeDuration |
N |
DefaultFadeEditRate |
N |
DefaultFadeType? |
N |
DefaultNamespaceURI |
N |
DefaultNamespaceURI |
N |
DefaultObject? |
N |
DefinedName |
N |
DefinedName |
N |
DefinitionObjectID? |
N |
DefinitionObjectName |
N |
DefinitionObjectName |
N |
DegradedEffects? |
N |
DeltaEntryArray? |
N |
DerivedFrom |
N |
Description |
N |
Description |
N |
DescriptionKind |
N |
DescriptionKind |
N |
DescriptiveComment |
N |
DescriptiveComment |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataApplicationEnvironmentID |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataFramework? |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataPlug-InID? |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataScheme? |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataSchemes? |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataSetReferences? |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataSets? |
N |
DescriptiveMetadataTrackIDs |
N |
DeviceAbsoluteHeading |
N |
DeviceAbsolutePositionalAccuracy |
N |
DeviceAbsoluteSpeed |
N |
DeviceAltitude |
N |
DeviceAltitude |
N |
DeviceAssetNumber |
N |
DeviceDesignation |
N |
DeviceIDKind |
N |
DeviceKind |
N |
DeviceKind |
N |
DeviceKindCode |
N |
DeviceLatitude |
N |
DeviceLatitude |
N |
DeviceLatitude |
N |
DeviceLongitude |
N |
DeviceLongitude |
N |
DeviceLongitude |
N |
DeviceManufacturerName |
N |
DeviceManufacturerName |
N |
DeviceModel |
N |
DeviceParameterNameValueSets? |
N |
DeviceParameters |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
DeviceParametersSets? |
N |
DeviceRelativeHeading |
N |
DeviceRelativePositionX |
N |
DeviceRelativePositionY |
N |
DeviceRelativePositionZ |
N |
DeviceRelativePositionalAccuracy |
N |
DeviceRelativeSpeed |
N |
DeviceSerialNumber |
N |
DeviceUsageDescription |
N |
DeviceUsageDescription |
N |
DeviceXDimension |
N |
DeviceYDimension |
N |
DialNorm |
N |
Dictionary? |
N |
DictionaryDescription |
N |
DictionaryDescription |
N |
DictionaryIdentifier? |
N |
DigitalEncodingBitrate |
N |
DigitalMetadataCarrier |
N |
DigitalOrAnalogOrigination |
N |
DigitalVideoFileFormat |
N |
DirectorName |
N |
DiscPartitionCapacity |
N |
DisplayF2Offset |
N |
DisplayHeight |
N |
DisplayUnits |
N |
DisplayUnits |
N |
DisplayWidth |
N |
DisplayXOffset |
N |
DisplayYOffset |
N |
Dither |
N |
DropFrame |
N |
Duration |
N |
DynamicSourcePackageID? |
N |
DynamicSourceTrackIDs |
N |
E-mailAddress |
N |
E-mailAddress |
N |
EPGProgramSynopsis |
N |
EdgeCode |
N |
EdgeCodeFilmGauge? |
N |
EdgeCodeFormat? |
N |
EdgeCodeHeader? |
N |
EdgeCodeStart |
N |
EditHint? |
N |
EditRate |
N |
EditUnitFlags |
N |
EditUnitLength |
N |
EditingEventComment |
N |
EditingEventComment |
N |
EffectRendering? |
N |
ElectrospatialFormulation |
N |
ElementCount |
N |
ElementDelta |
N |
ElementLength |
N |
ElementNameList |
N |
Emphasis |
N |
EncryptedContainerLabel? |
N |
EncryptedSourceValue? |
N |
EncryptedTrackFileID? |
N |
EndAnchor |
N |
EndAnchor |
N |
EnhancementOrModificationDescription |
N |
EnumerationUnderlyingIntegerType? |
N |
EpisodeEndNumber |
N |
EpisodeNumber |
N |
EpisodeNumber |
N |
EpisodeStartNumber |
N |
EpisodicItemSets? |
N |
EssenceContainerArray? |
N |
EssenceContainerDataSet |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
EssenceContainerFormat? |
N |
EssenceContainerFormat? |
N |
EssenceContainers? |
N |
EssenceData? |
N |
EssenceDescription? |
N |
EssenceIsIdentified |
N |
EssenceLength |
N |
EssenceLocators? |
N |
EssenceStreamID |
N |
Event |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
EventAbsoluteDuration |
N |
EventAbsoluteDuration? |
N |
EventAbsoluteDurationFrameCount |
N |
EventAnnotationSets? |
N |
EventElapsedTimeToEnd |
N |
EventElapsedTimeToStart |
N |
EventEndTimeOffset |
N |
EventEndTimecodeOffset? |
N |
EventIndication |
N |
EventIndication |
N |
EventOrigin |
N |
EventSets? |
N |
EventStart |
N |
EventStartTimeOffset |
N |
EventStartTimecodeOffset? |
N |
EventTrack |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
EventTrackEditRate |
N |
ExCCIData? |
N |
ExposedAspectRatio |
N |
ExtendedCaptionsLanguageCode |
N |
ExtendedClipID |
N |
ExtendedClipIDArray? |
N |
ExtendedTextLanguageCode |
N |
ExtendibleElementNameList |
N |
FNumber |
N |
Fade-InDuration |
N |
Fade-InType? |
N |
Fade-OutDuration |
N |
Fade-OutType? |
N |
FamilyName |
N |
FamilyName |
N |
FaxNumber |
N |
FaxNumber |
N |
FemaleLeadActressName |
N |
FestivalName |
N |
FestivalName |
N |
FieldDominance |
N |
FieldFrameTypeCode |
N |
FieldOfViewHorizontal |
N |
FieldOfViewHorizontal |
N |
FieldOfViewVertical |
N |
FieldOfViewVerticalFP |
N |
FieldRate |
N |
FileDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
FileDescriptors? |
N |
FileSecurityReport |
N |
FileSecurityWave |
N |
FillerData? |
N |
FilmBatchNumber |
N |
FilmBatchNumber |
N |
FilmCaptureAperture |
N |
FilmColorProcess |
N |
FilmFormatName |
N |
FilmFormatName |
N |
FilmFormatName? |
N |
FilmGauge? |
N |
FilmStockKind |
N |
FilmStockKind |
N |
FilmStockManufacturerName |
N |
FilmStockManufacturerName |
N |
FilmTestParameter |
N |
FilmTestResult |
N |
FilmTestResult? |
N |
FilmToVideoTransferDirection? |
N |
FilmToVideoTransferKind? |
N |
FilmToVideoTransferPhase? |
N |
FilteringApplied |
N |
FilteringCode |
N |
FirstBroadcastFlag |
N |
FirstGivenName |
N |
FirstGivenName |
N |
FirstNumberInSequence |
N |
FirstNumberInSequence |
N |
FirstTransmissionInfo |
N |
FixedArrayElementType? |
N |
FixedChannelStatusData? |
N |
FixedUserData? |
N |
FocalLength |
N |
FocalLength |
N |
Footer? |
N |
FormatDescriptor |
N |
FormatDescriptor |
N |
FormerFamilyName |
N |
FormerFamilyName |
N |
FrameCenterElevation |
N |
FrameCenterLatitude |
N |
FrameCenterLatitude |
N |
FrameCenterLatitude |
N |
FrameCenterLatitudeLongitude |
N |
FrameCenterLongitude |
N |
FrameCenterLongitude |
N |
FrameCenterLongitude |
N |
FrameCode |
N |
FrameCount |
N |
FrameCountOffset |
N |
FrameLayout |
N |
FramePositionalAccuracy |
N |
FrameRate |
N |
FrameworkExtendedTextLanguageCode |
N |
FrameworkTextLanguageCode |
N |
FrameworkThesaurusName |
N |
FrameworkThesaurusName |
N |
FrameworkTitle |
N |
FrameworkTitle |
N |
GenerationCloneNumber |
N |
GenerationCopyNumber |
N |
GenerationID? |
N |
GenericDataEssenceDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
GenericPackage |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
GenericPayloads? |
N |
GenericPictureEssenceDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
GenericSoundEssenceDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
GenericTrack |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
Genre |
N |
Genre |
N |
GeographicAreaNorthwest? |
N |
GeographicAreaSourceDatum |
N |
GeographicAreaSoutheast? |
N |
GeographicLocation? |
N |
GeographicPolygonCoordinates? |
N |
GeographicPolygonSourceDatum |
N |
GeographicalCoordinates? |
N |
GlobalNumber |
N |
GraphicKind |
N |
GraphicUsageKind |
N |
GraphicUsageKind |
N |
GroupRelationship |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
GroupSet? |
N |
GroupSets? |
N |
GroupSynopsis |
N |
GroupSynopsis |
N |
HMACAlgorithmSHA1128? |
N |
N |
N |
HTMLMetaDescription |
N |
HTMLMetaDescription |
N |
HardwareAcceleratorFlag |
N |
HasAudioWatermark |
N |
HasVideoWatermark |
N |
HeaderByteCount |
N |
HistoricalValue |
N |
HonorsAndQualifications |
N |
HonorsAndQualifications |
N |
HorizontalActionSafePercentage |
N |
HorizontalDatum |
N |
HorizontalGraphicsSafePercentage |
N |
HorizontalSubsampling |
N |
N |
IEEEDeviceID |
N |
IEEEManufacturerID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ISO3166CountryCode |
N |
ISO639-1LanguageCode |
N |
ISO639-1LanguageCode |
N |
ISO639CaptionsLanguageCode |
N |
ISO639TextLanguageCode |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
IdenticalGOPIndicator |
N |
Identification |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
Identification |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
IdentificationList? |
N |
IdentificationSets? |
N |
IdentificationUL? |
N |
IdentifierIssuingAuthority |
N |
IdentifierIssuingAuthority |
N |
IdentifierKind |
N |
IdentifierValue |
N |
ImageAlignmentOffset |
N |
ImageCategory |
N |
ImageCoordinateSystem |
N |
ImageEndOffset |
N |
ImageFormatSet? |
N |
ImageHeight |
N |
ImageSourceDeviceKind |
N |
ImageSourceDeviceKind |
N |
ImageStartOffset |
N |
ImageWidth |
N |
IncludeSync |
N |
IndexByteCount |
N |
IndexDuration |
N |
IndexEditRate |
N |
IndexEntryArray? |
N |
IndexStreamID |
N |
IndexTableSegment? |
N |
IndexingStartPosition |
N |
IndividualAwardName |
N |
InkNumber |
N |
InputSegment? |
N |
InputSegmentCount |
N |
InputSegments? |
N |
InsertMusicFlag |
N |
InstallmentNumber |
N |
InstanceUID? |
N |
IntegrationIndication |
N |
IntegrationIndication |
N |
IntellectualPropertyDescription |
N |
IntellectualPropertyDescription |
N |
IntellectualPropertyLicenseCountryCode |
N |
IntellectualPropertyLicenseRegionCode |
N |
IntellectualPropertyLicenseRegionName |
N |
IntellectualPropertyRights |
N |
IntellectualPropertyRights |
N |
IntendedAFD |
N |
IntentDescriptor |
N |
IntentDescriptor |
N |
InterestedPartyName |
N |
Interpolation? |
N |
InterpolationDefinitions? |
N |
IsConcrete |
N |
IsDubbed |
N |
IsLiveProduction |
N |
IsLiveTransmission |
N |
IsOptional |
N |
IsRecording |
N |
IsRepeat |
N |
IsSearchable |
N |
IsSigned |
N |
IsUniqueIdentifier |
N |
IsVoiceover |
N |
ItemDesignatorID? |
N |
ItemID |
N |
ItemName |
N |
ItemName |
N |
ItemValue |
N |
ItemValue |
N |
JFIFMarkerDescription |
N |
JFIFMarkerDescription |
N |
JPEG2000PictureSubDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
JPEGTableID? |
N |
JobFunctionCode |
N |
JobFunctionName |
N |
JobFunctionName |
N |
JobTitle |
N |
JobTitle |
N |
Jurisdiction |
N |
Jurisdiction |
N |
KAGSize |
N |
KLVDataDefinitions? |
N |
KLVDataParentProperties? |
N |
KLVDataType? |
N |
KLVDataValue? |
N |
KLVMetadataSequence? |
N |
KeyCode? |
N |
KeyData |
N |
KeyDataOrProgram |
N |
KeyFrame |
N |
KeyFrameSampleCount |
N |
KeyFrames |
N |
KeyPoint |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
KeyPointSets? |
N |
KeySound |
N |
KeySounds |
N |
KeyText |
N |
KeyTimePoint |
N |
KeypointKind |
N |
KeypointKind |
N |
KeypointValue |
N |
KeypointValue |
N |
Keywords |
N |
Keywords |
N |
N |
LanguageName |
N |
LanguageName |
N |
LastNumberInSequence |
N |
LastNumberInSequence |
N |
LayerNumber |
N |
LeadingLines |
N |
LengthSystemName |
N |
LengthUnitKind |
N |
LicenseOptionsDescription |
N |
LineNumber |
N |
LinkedApplicationPlug-InInstanceID? |
N |
LinkedDescriptiveFrameworkPlug-InID? |
N |
LinkedDescriptiveObjectPlug-InID? |
N |
LinkedGenerationID? |
N |
LinkedPackageID? |
N |
LinkedTimecodeTrackID? |
N |
LinkedTrackID |
N |
LinkingName |
N |
LinkingName |
N |
LocalCreationDateTime |
N |
LocalDatumAbsolutePositionAccuracy |
N |
LocalDatumRelativePositionAccuracy |
N |
LocalEndDateTime |
N |
LocalEventEndDateTime |
N |
LocalEventEndDateTime |
N |
LocalEventStartDateTime |
N |
LocalEventStartDateTime |
N |
LocalFestivalDateTime |
N |
LocalFilePath |
N |
LocalFilePath |
N |
LocalID |
N |
LocalLastModifyDate |
N |
LocalModifyDate |
N |
LocalStartDateTime |
N |
LocalTagEntries? |
N |
LocalTagUniqueID? |
N |
LocalTagValue |
N |
LocalTapeNumber |
N |
LocalTargetID |
N |
LocalTargetID |
N |
LocalUserDateTime |
N |
Location |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
LocationDescription |
N |
LocationDescription |
N |
LocationKind |
N |
LocationKind |
N |
LocationSets? |
N |
LockedIndicator |
N |
LogoFlag |
N |
LowDelayIndicator |
N |
LumaEquation |
N |
LuminanceSampleRate |
N |
MIC? |
N |
MICAlgorithm? |
N |
MIMECharSet |
N |
MIMECharSet |
N |
MIMEEncoding |
N |
MIMEEncoding |
N |
MIMEMediaType |
N |
MIMEMediaType |
N |
MPEG2VideoDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame1? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame2? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame3? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame4? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame5? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame6? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame7? |
N |
MPEG7BiMAccessUnitFrame8? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame1? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame2? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame3? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame4? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame5? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame6? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame7? |
N |
MPEG7BiMDecoderInitFrame8? |
N |
MPEGAudioBitrate |
N |
MPEGAudioRecodingDataset? |
N |
MPEGVideoRecodingDataset? |
N |
MagneticDiskNumber |
N |
MagneticTrack |
N |
MainCatalogNumber |
N |
MainName |
N |
MainName |
N |
MainSponsorName |
N |
MainTitle |
N |
MainTitle |
N |
MajorVersion |
N |
MaleLeadActorName |
N |
ManufacturerID? |
N |
ManufacturerInformationObject? |
N |
MapDatumUsed |
N |
MarkIn |
N |
MarkOut |
N |
MaterialAbsoluteDuration |
N |
MaterialAbsoluteDuration? |
N |
MaterialEndTimeOffset |
N |
MaterialEndTimecodeOffset? |
N |
MaterialPackage |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
MaximumAPIVersion |
N |
MaximumBPictureCount |
N |
MaximumGOPSize |
N |
MaximumSupportedEngineVersion |
N |
MaximumSupportedPlatformVersion |
N |
MaximumUseCount |
N |
MediaLocation |
N |
MemberNameList |
N |
MemberTypes? |
N |
MetadataEncodingSchemeCode |
N |
MetadataItemName |
N |
MetadataItemName |
N |
MetadataServerLocators? |
N |
MicrophonePlacementTechniques |
N |
MinimumAPIVersion |
N |
MinimumSupportedEngineVersion |
N |
MinimumSupportedPlatformVersion |
N |
MinorVersion |
N |
MissionID |
N |
MissionID |
N |
MobileTelephoneNumber |
N |
ModifyDate |
N |
MonoSourceTrackIDs |
N |
MultipleDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
NITFLayerTargetID |
N |
NITFLayerTargetID |
N |
NMEADocumentText |
N |
NOLACode |
N |
NameSuffix |
N |
NameSuffix |
N |
NameValue |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
NamespacePrefix |
N |
NamespacePrefix |
N |
NamespacePrefixes |
N |
NamespacePrefixes |
N |
NamespaceURI |
N |
NamespaceURI |
N |
NamespaceURIs |
N |
NamespaceURIs |
N |
Nationality |
N |
Nationality |
N |
NatureOfPersonality |
N |
NatureOfPersonality |
N |
NetworkLocator |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
NextNumberInSequence |
N |
NextNumberInSequence |
N |
NielsenStreamIdentifier |
N |
NominationCategory |
N |
NominationCategory |
N |
Non-USClassifyingCountryCode |
N |
ObjectAreaDimension |
N |
ObjectClass? |
N |
ObjectClassDefinition? |
N |
ObjectCountryCode |
N |
ObjectCountryCode |
N |
ObjectCountryCodeMethod |
N |
ObjectDescription |
N |
ObjectDescription |
N |
ObjectDescriptionCode |
N |
ObjectHorizontalAverageDimension |
N |
ObjectIdentificationConfidence |
N |
ObjectKind |
N |
ObjectKind |
N |
ObjectModelVersion |
N |
ObjectName |
N |
ObjectRegionCode |
N |
ObjectRegionName |
N |
ObjectVerticalAverageDimension |
N |
ObliquityAngle |
N |
OffsetToIndexTable |
N |
OffsetToIndexTable |
N |
OffsetToMetadata |
N |
OffsetToMetadata |
N |
OpenBodyPartition? |
N |
OpenCompleteBodyPartition? |
N |
OpenCompleteHeader |
- |
--> MXF Header Tags |
OpenHeader |
- |
--> MXF Header Tags |
OperatingSystemInterpretations |
N |
OperationCategory? |
N |
OperationDataDefinition? |
N |
OperationDefinitionID? |
N |
OperationDefinitions? |
N |
OperationParameters? |
N |
OperationalPatternUL? |
N |
OpticalDiscNumber |
N |
OpticalTestParameterName |
N |
OpticalTestResult |
N |
OpticalTestResult |
N |
OpticalTrack |
N |
Organisation |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
OrganizationCode |
N |
OrganizationCode |
N |
OrganizationID |
N |
OrganizationID |
N |
OrganizationIDKind |
N |
OrganizationIDKind |
N |
OrganizationKind |
N |
OrganizationKind |
N |
OrganizationMainName |
N |
OrganizationMainName |
N |
OrganizationSets? |
N |
OrganizationalProgramNumber |
N |
OrganizationalProgramNumber |
N |
Origin |
N |
OriginCode |
N |
OriginalExtendedSpokenPrimaryLanguageCode |
N |
OriginalProducerName |
N |
OriginalProducerName |
N |
OriginalTitle |
N |
OriginalTitle |
N |
OtherGivenNames |
N |
OtherGivenNames |
N |
OtherValues |
N |
PII? |
N |
POSIXMicroseconds |
N |
N |
PackLength |
N |
PackageAttributes? |
N |
PackageID? |
N |
PackageKLVData? |
N |
PackageLastModifyDate |
N |
PackageMarkInPosition |
N |
PackageMarkOutPosition |
N |
PackageMarker? |
N |
PackageName |
N |
PackageName |
N |
PackageTimelineMarkerRef? |
N |
PackageTracks? |
N |
PackageUsageKind? |
N |
PackageUserComments? |
N |
Packages? |
N |
PaddingBits |
N |
Palette? |
N |
PaletteLayout? |
N |
PanScanInformation? |
N |
ParameterDataType? |
N |
ParameterDefinition? |
N |
ParameterDefinitions? |
N |
Parameters? |
N |
ParentClass? |
N |
Participant |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ParticipantID? |
N |
ParticipantOrganizationSets? |
N |
PartitionMetadata? |
N |
Password |
N |
Password |
N |
PayeeAccountName |
N |
PayeeAccountNumber |
N |
PayeeAccountSortCode |
N |
PayerAccountName |
N |
PayerAccountNumber |
N |
PayerAccountSortCode |
N |
PaymentDueDateTime |
N |
PaymentsSets? |
N |
PeakChannelCount |
N |
PeakEnvelope |
N |
PeakEnvelopeBlockSize |
N |
PeakEnvelopeData? |
N |
PeakEnvelopeData? |
N |
PeakEnvelopeFormat |
N |
PeakEnvelopeTimestamp |
N |
PeakEnvelopeVersion |
N |
PeakFrameCount |
N |
PeakOfPeaksPosition |
N |
PerceivedDisplayFormatCode |
N |
PerceivedDisplayFormatName |
N |
PerforationsPerFrame |
N |
PerforationsPerFrame |
N |
Person |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
PersonDescription |
N |
PersonDescription |
N |
PersonOrganizationSets? |
N |
PersonSets? |
N |
PhysicalInstanceKind |
N |
PhysicalMediaLength? |
N |
PhysicalMediaLocation |
N |
PictureComponentSizing? |
N |
PictureDisplayRate |
N |
PictureFormat |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
PixelLayout? |
N |
PlaceKeyword |
N |
PlaceKeyword |
N |
PlaceName |
N |
PlaceName |
N |
PlaintextOffset |
N |
PlatformDesignation |
N |
PlatformDesignation |
N |
PlatformHeadingAngle |
N |
PlatformModel |
N |
PlatformPitchAngle |
N |
PlatformRollAngle |
N |
PlatformSerialNumber |
N |
Plug-InAPIID? |
N |
Plug-InCategoryID? |
N |
Plug-InDefinitions? |
N |
Plug-InEngineID? |
N |
Plug-InLocatorSet? |
N |
Plug-InPlatformID? |
N |
PointsPerPeakValue |
N |
PolarCharacteristic |
N |
PosTableArray? |
N |
PositionInSequence |
N |
PositionTable? |
N |
PositionTableCount |
N |
PositionTableIndexing |
N |
PositionWithinViewportImageXCoordinate |
N |
PositionWithinViewportImageYCoordinate |
N |
PostCodeForPostbox |
N |
PostalCode |
N |
PostalCode |
N |
PostalTown |
N |
PostalTown |
N |
PostboxNumber |
N |
Preface |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
PresentationAspectRatio |
N |
PresentationGammaEquation |
N |
PresentationGammaEquation? |
N |
PresenterName |
N |
PreviousNumberInSequence |
N |
PreviousNumberInSequence |
N |
PreviousRepeatNumber |
N |
PrimaryExtendedSpokenLanguageCode |
N |
PrimaryOriginalLanguageCode |
N |
PrimaryPackage? |
N |
PrimarySpokenLanguageCode |
N |
Primer |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
Processing |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ProcessingSet? |
N |
ProducerName |
N |
ProductFormat |
N |
ProductFormat |
N |
ProductionFramework |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ProductionOrganizationRole |
N |
ProductionOrganizationRole |
N |
ProductionScriptReference |
N |
ProductionScriptReference |
N |
ProductionSettingPeriodSets? |
N |
ProfileAndLevel |
N |
ProgramAwardName |
N |
ProgramCommercialMaterialReference |
N |
ProgramIdentifier |
N |
ProgramIdentifierString |
N |
ProgramKind |
N |
ProgramMaterialClassificationCode |
N |
ProgramNumber |
N |
ProgramSupportMaterialReference |
N |
ProgrammingGroupKind |
N |
ProgrammingGroupKind |
N |
ProgrammingGroupTitle |
N |
ProgrammingGroupTitle |
N |
ProjectName |
N |
ProjectName |
N |
ProjectNumber |
N |
ProjectSet? |
N |
Projects |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
Properties? |
N |
PropertyType? |
N |
Publication |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
PublicationSets? |
N |
PublishingMediumName |
N |
PublishingMediumName |
N |
PublishingOrganizationName |
N |
PublishingOrganizationName |
N |
PublishingRegionName |
N |
PublishingRegionName |
N |
PublishingServiceName |
N |
PublishingServiceName |
N |
PulldownFieldDominance |
N |
PulldownSequence? |
N |
PurchaserAccountName |
N |
PurchaserAccountName |
N |
PurchaserAccountNumber |
N |
PurchaserIdentificationKind |
N |
PurchaserIdentificationValue |
N |
PurchasingDepartment |
N |
PurchasingOrganizationName |
N |
Purpose |
N |
Purpose |
N |
QltyBasicData |
N |
QltyBasicData |
N |
QltyCueSheet |
N |
QltyCueSheet |
N |
QltyEndOfModulation |
N |
QltyEndOfModulation |
N |
QltyOperatorComment |
N |
QltyOperatorComment |
N |
QltyQualityEvent |
N |
QltyQualityEvent |
N |
QltyQualityParameter |
N |
QltyQualityParameter |
N |
QltyStartOfModulation |
N |
QltyStartOfModulation |
N |
QualityFlag |
N |
QuantizationDefault? |
N |
RGBAEssenceDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
RIFFChunkData? |
N |
N |
RIFFChunkLength |
N |
RP217DataStreamPID |
N |
RP217VideoStreamPID |
N |
RandomIndexMetadata? |
N |
RandomIndexMetadataV10? |
N |
Rating |
N |
RecordedFormat |
N |
RecordedFormat |
N |
RecordedTrackNumber |
N |
RecordingLabelName |
N |
RecordingLabelName |
N |
ReelOrRollNumber |
N |
RegionCode |
N |
RegionName |
N |
RegionName |
N |
RegisterAction |
N |
RegisterAdministrationArray? |
N |
RegisterAdministrationNotes |
N |
RegisterAdministrationObject? |
N |
RegisterApproverName |
N |
RegisterChildEntryArray? |
N |
RegisterCreationTime |
N |
RegisterEditorName |
N |
RegisterEntryAdministrationObject? |
N |
RegisterEntryArray? |
N |
RegisterEntryStatus? |
N |
RegisterItemDefiningDocumentName |
N |
RegisterItemDefinition |
N |
RegisterItemHierarchyLevel |
N |
RegisterItemIntroductionVersion |
N |
RegisterItemName |
N |
RegisterItemNotes |
N |
RegisterItemOriginatorName |
N |
RegisterItemStatusChangeDateTime |
N |
RegisterItemSymbol? |
N |
RegisterItemUL? |
N |
RegisterKind? |
N |
RegisterReleaseDateTime |
N |
RegisterStatusKind? |
N |
RegisterUserName |
N |
RegisterUserTime |
N |
RegisterVersion |
N |
RegistrantName |
N |
RelatedMaterialDescription |
N |
RelatedMaterialDescription |
N |
RelatedMaterialLocators? |
N |
RelativePositionInSequenceName |
N |
RelativePositionInSequenceOffset |
N |
RelativeScope |
N |
RelativeTrack |
N |
ReleasableCountryCode |
N |
ReleasableCountryCode |
N |
RenamedType? |
N |
ResourceID? |
N |
RestrictionsonUse |
N |
ReversePlay |
N |
ReversedByteOrder |
N |
Rights |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
RightsComment |
N |
RightsComment |
N |
RightsConditionDescription |
N |
RightsConditionDescription |
N |
RightsManagementAuthority |
N |
RightsManagementAuthority |
N |
RightsSets? |
N |
RightsStartDateTime |
N |
RightsStopDateTime |
N |
Rightsholder |
N |
Rightsholder |
N |
RoleName |
N |
RoleName |
N |
RoomNumber |
N |
RoomNumber |
N |
RoomOrSuiteName |
N |
RoomOrSuiteName |
N |
RootFormatVersion |
N |
RootMetaDictionary? |
N |
RootObjectDirectory? |
N |
RootPreface? |
N |
RoundedCaptureFilmFrameRate |
N |
RoundedTimecodeTimebase |
N |
RoundingLaw |
N |
RoundingMethodCode |
N |
RoyaltyIncomeInformation |
N |
RoyaltyPaymentInformation |
N |
Rsiz |
N |
SDKVersion |
N |
N |
SMPTE12MUserDateTime? |
N |
SMPTE309MUserDateTime? |
N |
SMPTE337MDataStreamNumber |
N |
N |
SalesContractNumber |
N |
Salutation |
N |
Salutation |
N |
SampleIndex? |
N |
SampleRate |
N |
SampledHeight |
N |
SampledWidth |
N |
SampledXOffset |
N |
SampledYOffset |
N |
SamplingHierarchyCode |
N |
SamplingStructureCode |
N |
ScanningDirection |
N |
SceneFramework |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
SceneNumber |
N |
SceneNumber |
N |
SceneSettingPeriodSets? |
N |
SceneShotSets? |
N |
ScramblingKeyKind |
N |
ScramblingKeyValue |
N |
Scripting |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ScriptingKind |
N |
ScriptingKind |
N |
ScriptingLocators? |
N |
ScriptingSets? |
N |
ScriptingText |
N |
ScriptingText |
N |
SeasonEpisodeNumber |
N |
SeasonEpisodeTitle |
N |
SecondGivenName |
N |
SecondGivenName |
N |
SecondaryExtendedSpokenLanguageCode |
N |
SecondaryOriginalExtendedSpokenLanguageCode |
N |
SecondaryOriginalLanguageCode |
N |
SecondarySpokenLanguageCode |
N |
SecondaryTitle |
N |
SecondaryTitle |
N |
SectorSize |
N |
SecurityClassification |
N |
SecurityClassification |
N |
SecurityClassificationCaveats |
N |
SecurityClassificationCaveats |
N |
Selected? |
N |
SensorMode |
N |
SensorRollAngle |
N |
SensorSize |
N |
SensorType |
N |
SensorTypeCode |
N |
Sequence? |
N |
SequenceOffset |
N |
SequenceSet |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
SeriesNumber |
N |
SeriesNumber |
N |
SeriesinaSeriesGroupCount |
N |
SetElementType? |
N |
SettingCityName |
N |
SettingCityName |
N |
SettingCountryCode |
N |
SettingCountryName |
N |
SettingCountryName |
N |
SettingDateTime |
N |
SettingDescription |
N |
SettingDescription |
N |
SettingPeriod |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
SettingPeriodDescription |
N |
SettingPeriodDescription |
N |
SettingPostalCode |
N |
SettingPostalCode |
N |
SettingRegionCode |
N |
SettingRegionName |
N |
SettingRoomNumber |
N |
SettingRoomNumber |
N |
SettingStateOrProvinceOrCountyName |
N |
SettingStateOrProvinceOrCountyName |
N |
SettingStreetName |
N |
SettingStreetName |
N |
SettingStreetNumberOrBuildingName |
N |
SettingStreetNumberOrBuildingName |
N |
SettingTownName |
N |
SettingTownName |
N |
ShimName |
N |
ShootingCountryCode |
N |
ShootingRegionCode |
N |
ShootingRegionName |
N |
Shot |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
ShotComment |
N |
ShotComment |
N |
ShotCommentKind |
N |
ShotCommentKind |
N |
ShotCueWordsSet? |
N |
ShotDescription |
N |
ShotDescription |
N |
ShotDuration |
N |
ShotList |
N |
ShotLocationSets? |
N |
ShotParticipantRoleSets? |
N |
ShotPersonSets? |
N |
ShotStartPosition |
N |
ShotTrackIDs |
N |
SideNumber |
N |
Signal-to-NoiseRatio |
N |
SignalFormCode |
N |
SignalStandard |
N |
SignalStandard |
N |
SignatureTuneFlag |
N |
SimpleFlaggingCount |
N |
SingleSequenceFlag |
N |
Size |
N |
SlantRange |
N |
SlateInformation |
N |
SlateTitle |
N |
SliceCount |
N |
SliceNumber |
N |
SliceOffsetList? |
N |
Software-OnlySupportFlag |
N |
SourceClip? |
N |
SourceContainerFormat? |
N |
SourceImageCenterXCoordinate |
N |
SourceImageCenterYCoordinate |
N |
SourceIndex? |
N |
SourceKey? |
N |
SourceLength |
N |
SourceOrganization |
N |
SourceOrganization |
N |
SourcePackage |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
SourcePackageID? |
N |
SourceSpecies? |
N |
SourceTrackID |
N |
SourceTrackIDs |
N |
SourceValue? |
N |
SpeedChangeEffectFlag |
N |
SplicingMetadata? |
N |
StartTimeRelativeToReference |
N |
StartTimeRelativeToReference |
N |
StartTimecode |
N |
StartTimecodeRelativeToReference? |
N |
StateOrProvinceOrCountyName |
N |
StateOrProvinceOrCountyName |
N |
StaticTrack |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
StillFrame? |
N |
StorageDeviceKind |
N |
StorageKind |
N |
StorageKind |
N |
StorageKindCode |
N |
StorageMediaID |
N |
StorageMediaKind |
N |
StoredANCLineNumber |
N |
StoredF2Offset |
N |
StoredVBILineNumber |
N |
StratumKind |
N |
StreamData? |
N |
StreamElementType? |
N |
StreamID |
N |
StreamOffset |
N |
StreamPositionIndicator |
N |
StreamPositionIndicator |
N |
StreamPositionIndicator |
N |
StreamPositionIndicator |
N |
StreetName |
N |
StreetName |
N |
StreetNumber |
N |
StreetNumber |
N |
StringElementType? |
N |
StructuralComponent |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
Sub-descriptors? |
N |
SubDescriptor? |
N |
SubDescriptors? |
N |
SubjectAbsoluteHeading |
N |
SubjectAbsoluteSpeed |
N |
SubjectDistance |
N |
SubjectName |
N |
SubjectName |
N |
SubjectRelativeHeading |
N |
SubjectRelativePositionalAccuracy |
N |
SubjectRelativeSpeed |
N |
SubtitleDatafileFlag |
N |
SubtitlesPresent |
N |
SupplementaryName |
N |
SupplementaryName |
N |
SupplementaryOrganizationName |
N |
SupplementaryOrganizationName |
N |
SupplierAccountName |
N |
SupplierAccountName |
N |
SupplierAccountNumber |
N |
SupplierIdentificationKind |
N |
SupplierIdentificationValue |
N |
SupplyContractNumber |
N |
SupplyingDepartmentName |
N |
SupportOrAdministrationStatus |
N |
SupportOrAdministrationStatus |
N |
SupportOrganizationRole |
N |
SupportOrganizationRole |
N |
SystemNameOrNumber |
N |
TIFFSummary? |
N |
TaggedValueDefinitions? |
N |
TaggedValueParentProperties? |
N |
TakeNumber |
N |
TapeBatchNumber |
N |
TapeBatchNumber |
N |
TapeCapacity |
N |
TapeFormat? |
N |
TapeFormulation |
N |
TapeFormulation |
N |
TapeManufacturer |
N |
TapeManufacturer |
N |
TapePartitionCapacity |
N |
TapeShellKind |
N |
TapeShellKind |
N |
TapeStock |
N |
TapeStock |
N |
TargetAudience |
N |
TargetAudience |
N |
TargetClassOfStrongReference? |
N |
TargetClassOfWeakReference? |
N |
TargetSet? |
N |
TargetWidth |
N |
TechnicalValue |
N |
TelephoneNumber |
N |
TelephoneNumber |
N |
TeletextSubtitlesAvailable |
N |
TeletextSubtitlesFlag |
N |
TemporalOffset |
N |
TerminatingFillerData |
N |
TextLocator |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
TextlessBlackDuration |
N |
TextlessMaterial |
N |
TextualDescriptionKind |
N |
TextualDescriptionKind |
N |
Theme |
N |
Theme |
N |
ThemeMusicFlag |
N |
ThesaurusName |
N |
ThesaurusName |
N |
ThirdGivenName |
N |
ThirdGivenName |
N |
TimePeriodName |
N |
TimePeriodName |
N |
TimeSystemOffset |
N |
TimeUnitKind |
N |
TimebaseReferenceTrackID |
N |
TimecodeArray? |
N |
TimecodeComponent |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
TimecodeCreationDateTime? |
N |
TimecodeEndDateTime? |
N |
TimecodeEventEndDateTime? |
N |
TimecodeEventStartDateTime? |
N |
TimecodeKind |
N |
TimecodeLastModifyDate? |
N |
TimecodeModifyDate? |
N |
TimecodeSourceKind |
N |
TimecodeStartDateTime? |
N |
TimecodeStreamData? |
N |
TimecodeTimebase |
N |
TimecodeTimebase |
N |
TimecodeUserBitsFlag |
N |
TimepointValue? |
N |
TimingBiasCorrection |
N |
TimingBiasCorrectionDescription |
N |
TitleKind |
N |
TitleKind |
N |
Titles |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
TitlesSets? |
N |
ToleranceInterpolationMethod? |
N |
ToleranceMode? |
N |
ToleranceWindow? |
N |
ToolkitVersion |
N |
TotalCurrencyAmount |
N |
TotalEpisodeCount |
N |
TotalIncome |
N |
TotalLinesperFrame |
N |
TotalNumberInSequence |
N |
TotalPayment |
N |
TotalSamplesperLine |
N |
Track |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
TrackID |
N |
TrackName |
N |
TrackName |
N |
TrackNumber |
N |
TrackNumberBatch |
N |
Tracks? |
N |
TrafficID |
N |
TrailingLines |
N |
TranscriptReference |
N |
TranscriptReference |
N |
TransferFilmFrameRate |
N |
TransitionEffect? |
N |
TransmissionID |
N |
TransportStreamID |
N |
TripletSequenceNumber |
N |
TypeDefinitionElementValueList |
N |
TypeDefinitionExtendibleElementValues? |
N |
TypeDefinitions? |
N |
UCSEncoding |
N |
N |
UPN? |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
UTCEndDateTime |
N |
UTCEventEndDateTime |
N |
UTCEventEndDateTime |
N |
UTCEventStartDateTime |
N |
UTCEventStartDateTime |
N |
UTCInstantDateTime |
N |
UTCInstantDateTime |
N |
UTCLastModifyDate |
N |
UTCLastModifyDate |
N |
UTCStartDateTime |
N |
UTCStartDateTime |
N |
UTCUserDateTime |
N |
UniformDataFlag |
N |
UnknownBWFChunks? |
N |
UpstreamAudioCompressionAlgorithm |
N |
UseDefaultValue |
N |
UserDataMode? |
N |
UserName |
N |
UserName |
N |
UserPosition |
N |
V10IndexTableSegment? |
N |
VBEEndOffset |
N |
VBIDataDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
VBILineCount |
N |
VBIPayloadByteArray |
N |
VBIPayloadSampleCoding |
N |
VBIPayloadSampleCount |
N |
VBIWrappingType |
N |
VC-1AverageBitrate |
N |
VC-1BPictureCount |
N |
VC-1CodedContentType |
N |
VC-1IdenticalGOP |
N |
VC-1InitializationMetadata? |
N |
VC-1Level |
N |
VC-1MaximumBitrate |
N |
VC-1MaximumGOP |
N |
VC-1Profile |
N |
VC-1SingleSequence |
N |
Value? |
N |
VariableArrayElementType? |
N |
VersionNumber |
N |
VersionNumberString |
N |
VersionNumberString |
N |
VersionTitle |
N |
VersionTitle |
N |
VerticalActionSafePercentage |
N |
VerticalDatum |
N |
VerticalGraphicsSafePercentage |
N |
VerticalSub-sampling |
N |
VideoAndFilmFrameRelationship |
N |
VideoAverageBitrate |
N |
VideoClipDuration |
N |
VideoCodingSchemeID? |
N |
VideoColorKind |
N |
VideoCompressionAlgorithm |
N |
VideoDeviceKind |
N |
VideoDeviceParameterName |
N |
VideoDeviceParameterSetting |
N |
VideoFixedBitrate |
N |
VideoIndexArray? |
N |
VideoLineMap |
N |
VideoNoiseReductionAlgorithm |
N |
VideoOrImageCompressionAlgorithm |
N |
VideoPayloadIdentifier |
N |
VideoPayloadIdentifier2002 |
N |
VideoTestParameter |
N |
VideoTestResult |
N |
VideoTestResult |
N |
VideoWatermarkKind |
N |
ViewportAspectRatio |
N |
ViewportHeight |
N |
ViewportImageCenterCCoordinate |
N |
ViewportImageCenterYCoordinate |
N |
ViewportWidth |
N |
VoiceTalentName |
N |
WAVESummary? |
N |
WaveAudioDescriptor |
- |
--> MXF Tags |
Weighting |
N |
WhiteReferenceLevel |
N |
Work-in-ProgressFlag |
N |
WorkingTitle |
N |
WorkingTitle |
N |
XMLDocumentText? |
N |
XMLDocumentText |
N |
XMLDocumentText |
N |
XMLDocumentText? |
N |
XOsiz |
N |
XTOsiz |
N |
XTsiz |
N |
Xsiz |
N |
YOsiz |
N |
YTOsiz |
N |
YTsiz |
N |
Ysiz |
N |