MIE Tags

MIE is a flexible format which may be used as a stand-alone meta information format, for encapsulation of other files and information, or as a trailer appended to other file formats. The tables below represent currently defined MIE tags, however ExifTool will also extract any other information present in a MIE file.

When writing MIE information, some special features are supported:

1) String values may be written as ASCII (ISO 8859-1) or UTF-8. ExifTool automatically detects the presence of wide characters and treats the string appropriately. Internally, UTF-8 text may be converted to UTF-16 or UTF-32 and stored in this format in the file if it is more compact.

2) All MIE string-value tags support localized text. Localized values are written by adding a language/country code to the tag name in the form TAG-xx_YY, where TAG is the tag name, xx is a 2-character lower case ISO 639-1 language code, and YY is a 2-character upper case ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code (eg. Title-en_US). But as usual, the user interface is case-insensitive, and ExifTool will write the correct case to the file.

3) Some numerical MIE tags allow units of measurement to be specified. For these tags, units may be added in brackets immediately following the value (eg. 55(mi/h)). If no units are specified, the default units are written.

See MIE1.1-20070121.pdf for the official MIE specification.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'0Type' SubfileType string (the capitalized common extension for this type of file. If the extension has a dot-3 abbreviation, then the longer version is used here. For instance, JPEG and TIFF are used, not JPG and TIF)
'0Vers' MIEVersion string (version 1.1 is assumed if not specified)
'1Directory' SubfileDirectory string (original directory for the file)
'1Name' SubfileName string (the file name, including extension if it exists)
'2MIME' SubfileMIMEType string  
'Meta' Meta - --> MIE Meta Tags
'data' SubfileData undef (the subfile data)
'rsrc' SubfileResource undef (subfile resource fork if it exists)
'zmd5' MD5Digest string (16-byte MD5 digest written in binary form or as a 32-character hex-encoded ASCII string. Value is an MD5 digest of the entire 0MIE group as it would be with the digest value itself set to all null bytes)
'zmie' TrailerSignature undef (used as the last element in the main "0MIE" group to identify a MIE trailer when appended to another type of file. ExifTool will create this tag if set to any value, but always with an empty data block)

MIE Meta Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Audio' Audio - --> MIE Audio Tags
'Camera' Camera - --> MIE Camera Tags
'Document' Document - --> MIE Doc Tags
'EXIF' EXIF - --> EXIF Tags
'Geo' Geo - --> MIE Geo Tags
'ICCProfile' ICC_Profile - --> ICC_Profile Tags
'ID3' ID3 - --> ID3 Tags
'IPTC' IPTC - --> IPTC Tags
'Image' Image - --> MIE Image Tags
'MakerNotes' MakerNotes - --> MIE MakerNotes Tags
'Preview' Preview - --> MIE Preview Tags
'Thumbnail' Thumbnail - --> MIE Thumbnail Tags
'Video' Video - --> MIE Video Tags
'XMP' XMP - --> XMP Tags

MIE Audio Tags

For the Audio group (and any other group containing a 'data' element), tags refer to the contained data if present, otherwise they refer to the main SubfileData. The 0Type and 1Name elements should exist only if data is present.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'0Type' RelatedAudioFileType string (MP3 if not specified)
'1Name' RelatedAudioFileName string  
'Channels' Channels int8u  
'Compression' AudioCompression string  
'Duration' Duration rational64u~  
'SampleBits' SampleBits int16u  
'SampleRate' SampleRate int32u  
'data' RelatedAudioFile undef  

MIE Camera Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Brightness' Brightness int8s  
'ColorBalance' ColorBalance rational64u[3] (RGB scaling factors)
'ColorTemperature' ColorTemperature int32u  
'Contrast' Contrast int8s  
'DigitalZoom' DigitalZoom rational64u  
'ExposureComp' ExposureCompensation rational64s  
'ExposureMode' ExposureMode string  
'ExposureTime' ExposureTime rational64u  
'FirmwareVersion' FirmwareVersion string  
'Flash' Flash - --> MIE Flash Tags
'FocusMode' FocusMode string  
'ISO' ISO int16u  
'ISOSetting' ISOSetting int16u (0 = Auto, otherwise manual ISO speed setting)
'ImageNumber' ImageNumber int32u  
'ImageQuality' ImageQuality string (Economy, Normal, Fine, Super Fine or Raw)
'ImageStabilization' ImageStabilization int8u  
'Lens' Lens - --> MIE Lens Tags
'Make' Make string  
'MeasuredEV' MeasuredEV rational64s  
'Model' Model string  
'Orientation' Orientation - --> MIE Orient Tags
'OwnerName' OwnerName string  
'Saturation' Saturation int8s  
'SensorSize' SensorSize rational64u[2] (width and height of active sensor area in mm)
'SerialNumber' SerialNumber string  
'Sharpness' Sharpness int8s  
'ShootingMode' ShootingMode string  

MIE Flash Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'ExposureComp' FlashExposureComp rational64s  
'Fired' FlashFired int8u 0 = No
1 = Yes
'GuideNumber' FlashGuideNumber string  
'Make' FlashMake string  
'Mode' FlashMode string  
'Model' FlashModel string  
'SerialNumber' FlashSerialNumber string  
'Type' FlashType string ("Internal" or "External")

MIE Lens Tags

All recorded lens parameters (focal length, aperture, etc) include the effects of the extender if present.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Extender' Extender - --> MIE Extender Tags
'FNumber' FNumber rational64u  
'FocalLength' FocalLength rational64u (all focal lengths in mm)
'FocusDistance' FocusDistance rational64u ('m' unless 'ft' specified)
'Make' LensMake string  
'MaxAperture' MaxAperture rational64u  
'MaxApertureAtMaxFocal' MaxApertureAtMaxFocal rational64u  
'MaxFocalLength' MaxFocalLength rational64u  
'MinAperture' MinAperture rational64u  
'MinFocalLength' MinFocalLength rational64u  
'Model' LensModel string  
'OpticalZoom' OpticalZoom rational64u  
'SerialNumber' LensSerialNumber string  

MIE Extender Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Magnification' ExtenderMagnification rational64s  
'Make' ExtenderMake string  
'Model' ExtenderModel string  
'SerialNumber' ExtenderSerialNumber string  

MIE Orient Tags

These tags describe the camera orientation.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Azimuth' Azimuth rational64s ('deg' CW from true north unless 'deg{mag}' specified)
'Declination' Declination rational64s  
'Elevation' Elevation rational64s  
'RightAscension' RightAscension rational64s  
'Rotation' Rotation rational64s (CW rotation angle of camera about lens axis)

MIE Doc Tags

Information describing the main document, image or file.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Author' Author string  
'Comment' Comment string  
'Contributors' Contributors string+  
'Copyright' Copyright string  
'CreateDate' CreateDate string  
'EMail' Email string  
'Keywords' Keywords string+  
'ModifyDate' ModifyDate string  
'OriginalDate' DateTimeOriginal string  
'Phone' PhoneNumber string  
'References' References string+  
'Software' Software string  
'Title' Title string  
'URL' URL string  

MIE Geo Tags

Information related to geographic location.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Address' Address string  
'City' City string  
'Country' Country string  
'GPS' GPS - --> MIE GPS Tags
'PostalCode' PostalCode string  
'State' State string (state or province)
'UTM' UTM - --> MIE UTM Tags


Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Altitude' GPSAltitude rational64s ('m' above sea level unless 'ft' specified)
'Bearing' GPSDestBearing rational64s ('deg' CW from true north unless 'deg{mag}' specified)
'DateTime' GPSDateTime string  
'Datum' GPSMapDatum string (WGS-84 assumed if not specified)
'Differential' GPSDifferential int8u 0 = No Correction
1 = Differential Corrected
'Distance' GPSDestDistance rational64s ('km' unless 'mi' or 'nmi' specified)
'Heading' GPSTrack rational64s ('deg' CW from true north unless 'deg{mag}' specified)
'Latitude' GPSLatitude rational64s[n] (1 to 3 numbers: degrees, minutes then seconds. South latitudes are stored as all negative numbers, but may be entered as positive numbers with a trailing 'S' for convenience. For example, these are all equivalent: "-40 -30", "-40.5", "40 30 0.00 S")
'Longitude' GPSLongitude rational64s[n] (1 to 3 numbers: degrees, minutes then seconds. West longitudes are negative, but may be entered as positive numbers with a trailing 'W')
'MeasureMode' GPSMeasureMode int8u 2 = 2-D
3 = 3-D
'Satellites' GPSSatellites string  
'Speed' GPSSpeed rational64s ('km/h' unless 'mi/h', 'm/s' or 'kn' specified)


Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Datum' UTMMapDatum string (WGS-84 assumed if not specified)
'Easting' UTMEasting string  
'Northing' UTMNorthing string  
'Zone' UTMZone int8s  

MIE Image Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'0Type' FullSizeImageType string (JPEG if not specified)
'1Name' FullSizeImageName string  
'BitDepth' BitDepth int16u  
'ColorSpace' ColorSpace string (standard ColorSpace values are "sRGB" and "Adobe RGB")
'Components' ComponentsConfiguration string (string composed of R, G, B, Y, Cb and Cr)
'Compression' CompressionRatio rational32u  
'ImageSize' ImageSize int16u[n] (2 or 3 values, for number of XY or XYZ pixels)
'Resolution' Resolution rational64u[n] (1 to 3 values. A single value for equal resolution in all directions, or separate X, Y and Z values if necessary. Units are '/in' unless '/cm', '/deg', '/arcmin', '/arcsec' or '' specified)
'data' FullSizeImage undef  

MIE MakerNotes Tags

MIE maker notes are contained within separate groups for each manufacturer to avoid name conflicts.

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'Canon' Canon - --> MIE Canon Tags
'Casio' Casio - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'FujiFilm' FujiFilm - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Kodak' Kodak - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'KonicaMinolta' KonicaMinolta - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Nikon' Nikon - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Olympus' Olympus - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Panasonic' Panasonic - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Pentax' Pentax - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Ricoh' Ricoh - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Sigma' Sigma - --> MIE Unknown Tags
'Sony' Sony - --> MIE Unknown Tags

MIE Canon Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'VRD' CanonVRD - --> CanonVRD Tags

MIE Unknown Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
[no tags known]

MIE Preview Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'0Type' PreviewImageType string (JPEG if not specified)
'1Name' PreviewImageName string  
'ImageSize' PreviewImageSize int16u[n] (2 or 3 values, for number of XY or XYZ pixels)
'data' PreviewImage undef  

MIE Thumbnail Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'0Type' ThumbnailImageType string (JPEG if not specified)
'1Name' ThumbnailImageName string  
'ImageSize' ThumbnailImageSize int16u[n] (2 or 3 values, for number of XY or XYZ pixels)
'data' ThumbnailImage undef  

MIE Video Tags

Tag IDTag Name WritableValues / Notes
'0Type' RelatedVideoFileType string (MOV if not specified)
'1Name' RelatedVideoFileName string  
'Codec' Codec string  
'Duration' Duration rational64u~  
'data' RelatedVideoFile undef  

(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised May 14, 2015

<-- ExifTool Tag Names