The tags below are extracted from JPEG 2000 images, however ExifTool currently writes only EXIF, IPTC and XMP tags in these images.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 'asoc' Association N 'bfil' BinaryFilter N 'bpcc' BitsPerComponent N 'cdef' ComponentDefinition N 'cgrp' ColorGroup N 'chck' DigitalSignature N 'cmap' ComponentMapping N 'colr' ColorSpecification - --> Jpeg2000 ColorSpec Tags 'comp' Composition N 'copt' CompositionOptions N 'cref' Cross-Reference N 'creg' CodestreamRegistration N 'drep' DesiredReproductions N 'dtbl' DataReference N 'flst' FragmentList N 'free' Free N 'ftbl' FragmentTable N 'ftyp' FileType - --> Jpeg2000 FileType Tags 'gtso' GraphicsTechnologyStandardOutput N 'ihdr' ImageHeader - --> Jpeg2000 ImageHeader Tags 'inst' InstructionSet N 'jP ' JP2Signature N 'jp2c' ContiguousCodestream N 'jp2h' JP2Header - --> Jpeg2000 Tags 'jp2i' IntellectualProperty - --> XMP Tags 'jpch' CodestreamHeader - --> Jpeg2000 Tags 'jplh' CompositingLayerHeader - --> Jpeg2000 Tags 'lbl ' Label N 'mdat' MediaData N 'mp7b' MPEG7Binary N 'nlst' NumberList N 'opct' Opacity N 'pclr' Palette N 'prfl' Profile N 'res ' Resolution - --> Jpeg2000 Tags 'resc' CaptureResolution - --> Jpeg2000 CaptureResolution Tags 'resd' DisplayResolution - --> Jpeg2000 DisplayResolution Tags 'roid' ROIDescription N 'rreq' ReaderRequirements N 'uinf' UUIDInfo - --> Jpeg2000 Tags 'ulst' UUIDList N 'url ' URL N 'uuid' UUID-EXIF
N--> EXIF Tags
--> EXIF Tags
--> IPTC Tags
--> IPTC Tags
--> XMP Tags
--> EXIF Tags
--> Photoshop Tags'xml ' XML undef!+ --> XMP Tags
(by default, the XML data in this tag is parsed using the ExifTool XMP module to to allow individual tags to be accessed when reading, but it may also be extracted as a block via the "XML" tag, which is also how this tag is written and copied. This is a List-type tag because multiple XML blocks may exist)
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ColorSpecMethod N 1 = Enumerated
2 = Restricted ICC
3 = Any ICC
4 = Vendor Color1 ColorSpecPrecedence N 2 ColorSpecApproximation N 0 = Not Specified
1 = Accurate
2 = Exceptional Quality
3 = Reasonable Quality
4 = Poor Quality3 ICC_Profile
N--> ICC_Profile Tags
0 = Bi-level
1 = YCbCr(1)
3 = YCbCr(2)
4 = YCbCr(3)
9 = PhotoYCC
11 = CMY
12 = CMYK
13 = YCCK
14 = CIELab
15 = Bi-level(2)16 = sRGB
17 = Grayscale
18 = sYCC
19 = CIEJab
20 = e-sRGB
22 = YPbPr(1125/60)
23 = YPbPr(1250/50)
24 = e-sYCC
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 MajorBrand N 'jp2 ' = JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2)
'jpm ' = JPEG 2000 Compound Image (.JPM)
'jpx ' = JPEG 2000 with extensions (.JPX)1 MinorVersion N 2 CompatibleBrands N
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ImageHeight N 4 ImageWidth N 8 NumberOfComponents N 10 BitsPerComponent N 11 Compression N
0 = Uncompressed
1 = Modified Huffman
2 = Modified READ
3 = Modified Modified READ
4 = JBIG
5 = JPEG
7 = JPEG 2000
8 = JBIG2
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 CaptureYResolution N 4 CaptureXResolution N 8 CaptureYResolutionUnit N --> Jpeg2000 ResolutionUnit Values 9 CaptureXResolutionUnit N --> Jpeg2000 ResolutionUnit Values
Value ResolutionUnit Value ResolutionUnit Value ResolutionUnit -3 = km 1 = 10 cm 5 = 0.01 mm -2 = 100 m 2 = cm 6 = um -1 = 10 m 3 = mm 0 = m 4 = 0.1 mm
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 DisplayYResolution N 4 DisplayXResolution N 8 DisplayYResolutionUnit N --> Jpeg2000 ResolutionUnit Values 9 DisplayXResolutionUnit N --> Jpeg2000 ResolutionUnit Values