Tags extracted from H.264 video streams. The metadata for AVCHD videos is stored in this stream.
Tag Name Writable Values / Notes ImageHeight N ImageWidth N MDPM - --> H264 MDPM Tags
The following tags are decoded from the Modified Digital Video Pack Metadata (MDPM) of the unregistered user data with UUID 17ee8c60f84d11d98cd60800200c9a66 in the H.264 Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI). [Yes, this description is confusing, but nothing compared to the challenge of actually decoding the data!] This information may exist at regular intervals through the entire video, but only the first occurrence is extracted unless the ExtractEmbedded (-ee) option is used (in which case subsequent occurrences are extracted as sub-documents).
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0013 TimeCode N (hours:minutes:seconds:frames) 0x0018 DateTimeOriginal N (combined with tag 0x19) 0x0070 Camera1 - --> H264 Camera1 Tags 0x0071 Camera2 - --> H264 Camera2 Tags 0x007f Shutter - --> H264 Shutter Tags 0x00a0 ExposureTime N 0x00a1 FNumber N 0x00a2 ExposureProgram N
0 = Not Defined
1 = Manual
2 = Program AE
3 = Aperture-priority AE
4 = Shutter speed priority AE
5 = Creative (Slow speed)
6 = Action (High speed)
7 = Portrait
8 = Landscape0x00a3 BrightnessValue N 0x00a4 ExposureCompensation N 0x00a5 MaxApertureValue N 0x00a6 Flash N --> EXIF Flash Values 0x00a7 CustomRendered N 0 = Normal
1 = Custom0x00a8 WhiteBalance N 0 = Auto
1 = Manual0x00a9 FocalLengthIn35mmFormat N 0x00aa SceneCaptureType N 0 = Standard
1 = Landscape
2 = Portrait
3 = Night0x00b0 GPSVersionID N 0x00b1 GPSLatitudeRef N 'N' = North
'S' = South0x00b2 GPSLatitude N (combined with tags 0xb3 and 0xb4) 0x00b5 GPSLongitudeRef N 'E' = East
'W' = West0x00b6 GPSLongitude N (combined with tags 0xb7 and 0xb8) 0x00b9 GPSAltitudeRef N 0 = Above Sea Level
1 = Below Sea Level0x00ba GPSAltitude N 0x00bb GPSTimeStamp N (combined with tags 0xbc and 0xbd) 0x00be GPSStatus N 'A' = Measurement Active
'V' = Measurement Void0x00bf GPSMeasureMode N 2 = 2-Dimensional Measurement
3 = 3-Dimensional Measurement0x00c0 GPSDOP N 0x00c1 GPSSpeedRef N 'K' = km/h
'M' = mph
'N' = knots0x00c2 GPSSpeed N 0x00c3 GPSTrackRef N 'M' = Magnetic North
'T' = True North0x00c4 GPSTrack N 0x00c5 GPSImgDirectionRef N 'M' = Magnetic North
'T' = True North0x00c6 GPSImgDirection N 0x00c7 GPSMapDatum N (combined with tag 0xc8) 0x00e0 MakeModel - --> H264 MakeModel Tags 0x00e1 RecInfo - --> H264 RecInfo Tags
(Canon only)0x00e4 Model N (Sony cameras only, combined with tags 0xe5 and 0xe6) 0x00ee FrameInfo - --> H264 FrameInfo Tags
(Canon only)
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 ApertureSetting N 0xfe = Closed
0xff = Auto1 Gain N [Mask 0x0f] 1.1 ExposureProgram N [Mask 0xf0]
0x0 = Program AE
0x10 = Gain
0x20 = Shutter speed priority AE
0x30 = Aperture-priority AE
0x40 = Manual2.1 WhiteBalance N [Mask 0xe0]
0x0 = Auto
0x20 = Hold
0x40 = 1-Push
0x60 = Daylight3 Focus N
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 1 ImageStabilization N 0x0 = Off
0x3f = On (0x3f)
0xbf = Off (0xbf)
0xff = n/a
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 1.1 ExposureTime N [Mask 0x7fff]
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 Make N 0x103 = Panasonic
0x108 = Sony
0x1011 = Canon
0x1104 = JVC
Recording information stored by some Canon video cameras.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 RecordingMode N 2 = XP+
4 = SP
5 = LP
6 = FXP
7 = MXP
Frame rate information stored by some Canon video cameras.
Index1 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 CaptureFrameRate N 1 VideoFrameRate N