The following tables define information found in the FotoWare FotoStation trailer.
Tag ID Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0x0001 IPTC - --> IPTC Tags 0x0002 SoftEdit - --> FotoStation SoftEdit Tags 0x0003 ThumbnailImage Y 0x0004 PreviewImage Y
Index4 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 OriginalImageWidth int32s 1 OriginalImageHeight int32s 2 ColorPlanes int32s 3 XYResolution int32s 4 Rotation int32s (rotations are stored as degrees CCW * 100, but converted to degrees CW by ExifTool) 6 CropLeft int32s 7 CropTop int32s 8 CropRight int32s 9 CropBottom int32s 11 CropRotation int32s