Flash Tags
The information below is extracted from SWF (Shockwave Flash) files. Tags
with string ID's represent information extracted from the file header.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'Compressed' |
Compressed |
N |
0 = False
1 = True |
'Duration' |
Duration |
N |
(calculated from FrameRate and FrameCount) |
'FlashVersion' |
FlashVersion |
N |
'FrameCount' |
FrameCount |
N |
'FrameRate' |
FrameRate |
N |
'ImageHeight' |
ImageHeight |
N |
'ImageWidth' |
ImageWidth |
N |
0x0045 |
FlashAttributes |
N |
Bit 0 = UseNetwork
Bit 3 = ActionScript3
Bit 4 = HasMetadata |
0x004d |
- |
--> XMP Tags |
Information is extracted from the following packets in FLV (Flash Video)
Information extracted from the Flash Audio header.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'Bit0-3' |
AudioEncoding |
N |
0 = PCM-BE (uncompressed)
2 = MP3
3 = PCM-LE (uncompressed)
4 = Nellymoser 16kHz Mono
5 = Nellymoser 8kHz Mono
6 = Nellymoser
7 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM
8 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM
10 = AAC
11 = Speex
13 = MP3 8-Khz
15 = Device-specific sound |
'Bit4-5' |
AudioSampleRate |
N |
'Bit6' |
AudioBitsPerSample |
N |
'Bit7' |
AudioChannels |
N |
1 = 1 (mono)
2 = 2 (stereo) |
Information extracted from the Flash Video header.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'Bit4-7' |
VideoEncoding |
N |
1 = JPEG
2 = Sorensen H.263
3 = Screen Video
4 = On2 VP6 | |
5 = On2 VP6 Alpha
6 = Screen Video 2
7 = H.264 |
Below are a few observed FLV Meta tags, but ExifTool will attempt to extract
information from any tag found.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'audiocodecid' |
AudioCodecID |
N |
'audiodatarate' |
AudioBitrate |
N |
'audiodelay' |
AudioDelay |
N |
'audiosamplerate' |
AudioSampleRate |
N |
'audiosamplesize' |
AudioSampleSize |
N |
'audiosize' |
AudioSize |
N |
'bytelength' |
ByteLength |
N |
'canSeekToEnd' |
CanSeekToEnd |
N |
'canseekontime' |
CanSeekOnTime |
N |
'createdby' |
CreatedBy |
N |
'creationdate' |
CreateDate |
N |
'cuePoints' |
CuePoint |
- |
--> Flash CuePoint Tags |
'datasize' |
DataSize |
N |
'duration' |
Duration |
N |
'filesize' |
FileSizeBytes |
N |
'framerate' |
FrameRate |
N |
'hasAudio' |
HasAudio |
N |
'hasCuePoints' |
HasCuePoints |
N |
'hasKeyframes' |
HasKeyFrames |
N |
'hasMetadata' |
HasMetadata |
N |
'hasVideo' |
HasVideo |
N |
'height' |
ImageHeight |
N |
'httphostheader' |
HTTPHostHeader |
N |
'keyframesFilepositions' |
KeyFramePositions |
N |
'keyframesTimes' |
KeyFramesTimes |
N |
'lastkeyframetimestamp' |
LastKeyFrameTime |
N |
'lasttimestamp' |
LastTimeStamp |
N |
'liveXML' |
- |
--> XMP Tags |
'metadatacreator' |
MetadataCreator |
N |
'metadatadate' |
MetadataDate |
N |
'pmsg' |
Message |
N |
'purl' |
N |
'sourcedata' |
SourceData |
N |
'starttime' |
StartTime |
N |
'stereo' |
Stereo |
N |
'totaldatarate' |
TotalDataRate |
N |
'totalduration' |
TotalDuration |
N |
'videocodecid' |
VideoCodecID |
N |
'videodatarate' |
VideoBitrate |
N |
'videosize' |
VideoSize |
N |
'width' |
ImageWidth |
N |
These tag names are added to the CuePoint name to generate complete tag
names like "CuePoint0Name".
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'name' |
Name |
N |
'parameters' |
Parameter |
- |
--> Flash Parameter Tags |
'time' |
Time |
N |
'type' |
Type |
N |
There are no pre-defined parameter tags, but ExifTool will extract any
existing parameters, with tag names like "CuePoint0ParameterXxx".
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
[no tags known] |
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Jul 9, 2015
<-- ExifTool Tag Names