The following tags are extracted from the maker notes of Reconyx Hyperfire cameras such as the HC500, HC600 and PC900.
Index2 Tag Name Writable Values / Notes 0 MakerNoteVersion N 1 FirmwareVersion N 4 FirmwareDate int16u[2] 6 TriggerMode string[2] 'C' = CodeLoc Not Entered
'E' = External Sensor
'M' = Motion Detection
'T' = Time Lapse7 Sequence int16u[2] 9 EventNumber int16u[2] 11 DateTimeOriginal int16u[6] 18 MoonPhase int16u
0 = New
1 = New Crescent
2 = First Quarter
3 = Waxing Gibbous4 = Full
5 = Waning Gibbous
6 = Last Quarter
7 = Old Crescent19 AmbientTemperatureFahrenheit int16s 20 AmbientTemperature int16s 21 SerialNumber undef[30] 36 Contrast int16u 37 Brightness int16u 38 Sharpness int16u 39 Saturation int16u 40 InfraredIlluminator int16u 0 = Off
1 = On41 MotionSensitivity int16u 42 BatteryVoltage int16u 43 UserLabel string[22]