{% import "ChamiloThemeBundle:Macros:box.html.twig" as macro_box %} {% import "ChamiloThemeBundle:Macros:actions.html.twig" as macro_actions %} {% import "ChamiloThemeBundle:Macros:buttons.html.twig" as macro_buttons %} {% import "ChamiloThemeBundle:Macros:image.html.twig" as macro_image %} {% import 'ChamiloThemeBundle:Macros:headers.html.twig' as macro_headers %} {# Check settings in app/config/sonata/sonata_seo.yml #} {{ sonata_seo_metadatas() }} {% block title %} {#{{ chamilo_settings_get('platform.institution') }} - {{ chamilo_settings_get('platform.site_name') }}#} {% endblock %} {# Check chamilo_css key in assetic.yml #} {#{%- stylesheets '@chamilo_css' -%}#} {##} {#{% endstylesheets %}#} {#{% stylesheets#} {#'@MopaBootstrapBundle/Resources/public/less/mopabootstrapbundle.less'#} {#'@MopaBootstrapBundle/Resources/public/less/eyecon-datepicker.less'#} {#%}#} {##} {#{% endstylesheets %}#} {# Chamilo theme #} {% set theme = 'chamilo' %} {% set bug_notification_link = '' %} {% set help_content = '' %} {% set header_extra_content = '' %} {% set template = 'default' %} {% set notification_menu = '' %} {% set accessibility = '' %} {% set containerClass = '' %} {% set breadcrumb = '' %} {% set user_notifications = '' %} {% set message_url = '' %} {% set profile_link = '' %} {% set message_link = '' %} {# Check chamilo_js key in assetic.yml #} {% block javascripts %} {#{%- javascripts '@chamilo_js' -%}#} {##} {#{% endjavascripts %}#} {% block chamilo_header_js %} {% include '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/header.js.twig' %} {% endblock %} {#'@MopaBootstrapBundle/Resources/public/js/eyecon-bootstrap-datepicker.js'#} {#{% javascripts#} {#'bundles/mopabootstrap/js/mopabootstrap-collection.js'#} {#'bundles/mopabootstrap/js/mopabootstrap-subnav.js'#} {#%}#} {##} {#{% endjavascripts %}#} {##} {#{% if show_header == true %}#} {% block chamilo_wrap %}
{{ header_extra_content }}
{% if plugin_header_main %}
{{ plugin_header_main }}
{% endif %}
{% if plugin_header_left is not null %}
{{ plugin_header_left }}
{% endif %}
{% if plugin_header_center is not null %}
{{ plugin_header_center }}
{% endif %}
{% if plugin_header_right is not null %}
{{ plugin_header_right }}
{% endif %}
{{ accessibility }}
{#{{ locale_switcher() }}#} {# course navigation links/shortcuts need to be activated by the admin #} {#{% include "@template_style/layout/course_navigation.html.twig" %}#} {#{% endif %}#} {% block chamilo_header %} {#
#} {#{% block chamilo_logo %}#} {##} {#{% endblock %}#} {#{% block chamilo_main_navbar %}#} {##} {#{% endblock %}#} {#
#} {% endblock %} {% include 'SonataCoreBundle:FlashMessage:render.html.twig' %} {% block chamilo_content %} {#Check sonata_block.yml settings#} {#{% include 'SonataSeoBundle:Block:_facebook_sdk.html.twig' %}#} {#{% include 'SonataSeoBundle:Block:_twitter_sdk.html.twig' %}#} {#{% include 'SonataSeoBundle:Block:_pinterest_sdk.html.twig' %}#} {% endblock %} {% block page_content %} {% endblock %} {% block sonata_page_container %} {% endblock %} {##} {#
#} {##} {#{% block content_header %}#} {#
#} {#{% block content_header_title %}#} {#

#} {#{% block page_title %}{% endblock %}#} {#{% block page_subtitle %}{% endblock %}#} {#

#} {#{% endblock %}#} {#{% block chamilo_breadcrumb %}#} {#{{ render(controller('ChamiloThemeBundle:Breadcrumb:breadcrumb', {'request':app.request, 'title' : block('page_title')})) }}#} {#{% endblock %}#} {#
#} {#{% endblock %}#} {##} {#
#} {#{% block page_content %}{% endblock %}#} {#
#} {##} {#
#} {##} {% endblock %}
{# End wrapper div #} {% block chamilo_footer %} {% include "@ChamiloCore/default/layout/footer.html.twig" %} {% endblock %} {% block chamilo_footer_js %} {% include '@ChamiloTheme/Layout/footer.js.twig' %} {% endblock %} {% endblock %} {# End wrapper block#}